House rewired at considerable cost during last 2 weeks. Yesterday bloke says it's finished. Today, I plugged the vacuum into the hallway socket and the downstairs circuit trips (same vacuum cleaner never tripped my old house btw). Then plugged vacuum into upstairs landing socket and they didn't trip... but the upstairs lights did. Only the upstairs lights. Yeah, so vacuuming in the gloom and pretty confused as to why the lights went but the upstairs sockets didn't trip. Can someone shed some light on this (pun intended) and what could be going on. Is it likely the appliance, the RCD or something not right with the fixed wiring? Haven't spoken to the electrician yet but will definitely be speaking to him on Monday about this and the 3 socket boxes he left not properly screwed in (mains on), one with a nice almost 2 cm gap for my kid to get his fingers/hand into if he so chose. ,