Regs. Relating to Renewable Energy

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Distinguished Member
Nov 26, 2008
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A friend of mine has been in touch with a specialist renewable energy company looking at PV panels, ground source heat pumps etc. Knowing a little bit about the industry he asked if they needed part P registration for this type of work & was told that they routinely carry out domestic & industrial work of this nature without it & was not needed as they do not wire directly in the mains connecting via 13 amp plugs into existing sockets.

Can anybody please tell me if this is legit?

The ground source ones I have wired are more than a plug and socket one was three phase although it was domestic and the other needed a 40 amp supply and both would need registering through part p. Not sure about pv panels but that probably is more complicated than the supplies to ground source so I would imagine they would get somebody registered to do this work.

It depends on what's on the other end of the leads from the 13A plug. If it's fixed wiring then it needs to be done to part p regardless of whether it's supplied from a plugtop or dedicated circuit.

if its on a plug top then it has no regs relating to it,portable appliance........

plug it out, remove it...
Not true. This was a bit of a loophole in part p so they closed it. Now if it's fixed wiring, it's fixed wiring regardless of how it's fed.

dont agree, if it is plugged in then you can plug it out,

how are you to know.?

if it doesnt originate at the CU then IMO it cannot go on an EIC .

I await your reg.

dont agree, if it is plugged in then you can plug it out,how are you to know.?

if it doesnt originate at the CU then IMO it cannot go on an EIC .
I know what you're saying, I'm not disagreeing with you, just saying that is a loophole that was used to circumvent part p so it was closed.

I await your reg.
Erm, one of us is going to have to read part p to find it again. I might in a bit. ;)

Table 2 Special locations and installations


Special Installations


Solar Voltaic (PV) power supply systems

Small scale generators such as microCHP units

Additional notes

a. Notifiable jobs include ... and extensions to circuits in kitchens and special locations (bathrooms etc) and associated with special installations (garden lighting and power installations etc).


h. The installation of fixed equipment is within the scope of part p, even where the final connection is by a 13A plug and socket. However, work is notifiable only if it involves fixed wiring and the installation of a new circuit in a kitchen or special location or associated with a special installation.

Part p download

Think that covers it, and also answers the OP.

Something that I have always found a bit odd about the Part P document is the bit about wiring stuff outside.

g. Outdoor lighting and power installations are special installations. Any new work in, for example, the garden or that involves crossing the garden is notifiable.
l. Work to connect an electric gate or garage door to an existing isolator is not notifiable, but installation of the circuit up to the isolator is notifiable.
In my experience, electric gates are generally at the bottom of the garden. So I would expect that the wiring would somehow have to cross the garden.

Something that I have always found a bit odd about the Part P document is the bit about wiring stuff outside.
g. Outdoor lighting and power installations are special installations. Any new work in, for example, the garden or that involves crossing the garden is notifiable.
l. Work to connect an electric gate or garage door to an existing isolator is not notifiable, but installation of the circuit up to the isolator is notifiable.
In my experience, electric gates are generally at the bottom of the garden. So I would expect that the wiring would somehow have to cross the garden.
Isolator and wiring = notifiable according to both quotes. Gate itself, not notifiable. What you struggling with?

What it is saying is that instlaling the gates is not notifiable provided the existing circuit is in place.

its all notifialble.i have never wired a ground sourse or a air sourse thats on a 13 amp plug .

nor would i , i would always fix the wiring, when we fit an electric fire we dont plug them in we always add a switched fuse spur.

trianco do a 5 kw which plugs in but we dont . :)

its all notifialble.i have never wired a ground sourse or a air sourse thats on a 13 amp plug .nor would i , i would always fix the wiring, when we fit an electric fire we dont plug them in we always add a switched fuse spur.

trianco do a 5 kw which plugs in but we dont . :)
Don't mention trianco on here.


What if the isolator is inside the house?
Read the quotes you posted and work it out. If the isolator is in the house and the gates are at the end of the garden the the isolator isn't really in the right place to start with.

I can;t see the issue. It's quite clearly in the quoted notes, wiring across garden = notifiable. That's it.

Part p downloadThink that covers it, and also answers the OP.
I am of the opinion that if it originates from the DB it is fixed wiring. If it is plugged in then not. You have to unplug everything to do a test don't you?

Surely at that point it becomes not part of the installation.

Yes but no but.

Fixed equipment is covered by Part P, so the installation of an over the sink water heater would be covered, even if it is connected using a 13A plug.
