Request For Some Electrician's Opinions

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New member
Nov 6, 2014
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Hi All

My name is Sarah and I am a Product Design Engineering student currently completing my Masters degree. A large part of my course is a design project on which I have chosen to study the neck strain and pain suffered by those working in manual jobs, particularly through overhead work. Through the course of the next year I will design and build a new form of neck support to try and minimise the pain experienced in these specific jobs, whilst not interfering with the workers natural and required movements.

I have just joined the forum with the hope of gaining some invaluable opinions and experience from anyone here who has suffered this problem. I have created a short online survey and would really appreciate it if those who have the time could complete it and share your thoughts, hopefully one day my new product could be helping you out!

The link for the survey is:

Any information you can share would be really appreciated, thanks for the help!

you might also want to survey anyone that races motorcycles, or karts, a lot of Gs there, especially with 250ICE

I dont think there is much you could do about bike racers,

but the current neck supports available at a sensible price for kart [and car racers] are just about useless.

I'll also take a look if it helps ...but in this trade its knees that take the punishment to be honest .

Edit :      Looked at the survey Sarah  but really no point filling in as I don't have back pain .    Now if you want to talk knees ...thats a different fish .

How about  looking at a  pain in the bottle & glarse....we get a few of those on this Forum  :innocent

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A few years ago someone brought out a neck brace for electricians working overhead. It was in all the trade looked rubbish and i never heard of anyone using it apart from the reviewer. May be worth looking into as half the work is done for you AND you will see what a NON efficient design looks like.

I will have a look at the survey later

Just remembering

Thank you for the replies and opinions, it really does help!  I have chosen neck as I am looking at overhead work in particular, I realise this is not the most common working position for electricians but wanted to ask all who could have possibly been affected. I plan on designing the support so that it will also offer relief to upper back and upper limb pain but am afraid it won't work for the knees :(   

A few years ago someone brought out a neck brace for electricians working overhead. It was in all the trade looked rubbish and i never heard of anyone using it apart from the reviewer. May be worth looking into as half the work is done for you AND you will see what a NON efficient design looks like.

I will have a look at the survey later

Just remembering
I think this could be what you are thinking of? this is the most advanced neck support I have found on the market and I think there are a lot of problems with it, mainly that it is so restricting to movement which is what most respondents in need of this type of support are concerned about!
