Hi Ian932,
You took my comments in exactly the wrong way! I was trying to help the bloke learn, not put him off, but first i have to correct a few points you made:
1,Hi, not being funny, but for a start off, someone else cannot certificate your work.
- "Yes they can happens in the real world every day as long as its inspected at key stages"
It may well happen, but it does not make it right!! The first words on an EIC are "I being the person responsible for the design, construction, inspection and testing" blah blah"
I stand by my comments, you cannot legally sign off someone elses work. I suppose you could if you stood there for every part of the job, but that would still only be borderline legal and would defeat the object of the exercise anyway, as the person doing the signing might as well have done the job himself.
How you going to inspect and sign off things that are now possibly covered up?? Say i install a cable, how do you know that i have not bent it too sharply, or that it is not in contact with sharp edges, or that i have not otherwise damaged it unless you are there when i install it?? bit late just inspecting the ends sticking out later!
2, Before you even start you need to make your mind up what shower you are having or otherwise how are you going to even start to calculate the cable size and MCB required.
- "He is running a 10mm at 15m so he has made allowance for the max shower size on the market"
10.8kw at 230v = 47 amp but 10mm twin and earth, installation method 100 or 101 [above a plasterboard ceiling with respectively up to, and over 100mm insulation] is rated at 45A in the first case, and 36A in the second [OSG page 134 + page 282 in the BRB]
3,Guessing as to what the requirements for bonding etc are is not too good either!
- "Thats why he is asking questions! and he said his spark signed it off during a CU upgrade"
Spark should not have signed it off as the OP clearly stated he INSTALLED THE CU HIMSELF.
4, As previous forum members have said, how are you going to test the completed installation and really importantly, please understand that like Nozspark said, working and safe, are too completely different things. -
"He answered that in his last post, he is using the electrician that did his CU upgrade to test it"
As above, the OP stated he did the CU himself.
5,I am going to give you a bit of advice here.... I know you say you find BS7671 confusing, but go back and have a good read. The answers to all your questions are in it!! -
"Not all his questions are within the BRB, more practical ones are not hence the reason the OP is asking questions and if the BRB had all the answers to all things electrical there would no forum cus we would all read the book"
What questions are not in the BRB then??
Have a good read of appendix 4, chapter 54 and section 701
Everyone on here will try to advise you, but in the long run you would be much better off if you made a big effort to find out for yourself. You will have a much greater understanding then. There is a BIG difference between merely "knowing" [cos someone told you] and understanding... -
"WHAT!!! Get off your box, that