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Hi Nozspark,

Sod's Law working.

Your unit was shipped Thursday for Friday before 10.30AM delivery, then Ipostparcels crashed nationally and It will now arrive Monday.

As discussed, it was completely out of my hands.  At least you will get your DB.

This Compact RCBO bug has gone viral and now I am struggling to keep up with demand.  I am out of 32A & 16A and only have 40A in C curve.

Realistically, it is likely to be Friday 9th August, before I get more stock, although China is suffering 40C temps. and they are having regular power cuts which may screw that delivery up!!

I am glad I asked about C curve Compacts, because 2 Companies have ordered 100 units between them. That means I will start to stock C curve in smaller quantities, in the popular sizes. Any input on sizes to stock and why, would be welcome.

I am out of town until next Wednesday, staying in a Terry Wogan recommended "home for the bewildered" (not really), as a respite from building DBs and manufacturing busbars. I'll have my mobile, 0777 447 9287, with me and hopefully my I-pad

SBS Dave

Hi dave. It was great you could help my mate out at such short notice yesterday, i was there when he fitted it yesterday, I am now converted to DP Rcbo's cheers dave.

Sod it I should have placed my order last week....................was needing an MK/Volex unit (going in a lounge so needs to look nice...ish) with 3x 16amp 2x 32amp & 2x 6amp...............Might get away with robbing the rcbo from some boards for jobs booked for later next month,& place a rush order for just the busbars if thats ok Dave.

Sorry M107,

I have legged it to Harrogate until Tuesday.

Best I can do is get back Tuesday mid-afternoon, make up the busbars and get them in the 1st class post. 

E-mail me the busbar size, if the above arrangement isn't too late.

SBS Dave

PS - I do MK boards but not Volex anymore.

Cheers Dave, just got in so will take a look and see if my last order from you has the rating of rcbo's I need for this "I can squeeze one more job in" and let you know about the busbar.

Used Dave for the first time the other week, top bloke and amazing service can't fault him one bit I'll definitely be using compacts on every job I can from now on they are so much easier to work with and make for a really neat install 

SBS-TDline changeover #1.JPG
SBS-TDline changeover #2.JPG

last time I saw those they had Castlec written on them LOL

Hi Binky,

What price were they selling for?

SBS Dave
Haven't used Castlec for years, they were supplied through an independent wholesaler who has since gone bust, but they were pretty cheap. Seemed to work OK, never had any problems with them. Never had any problems with control gear either, apart from an RCBO which I reckon the plumber bust cos his drill kept tripping it out. Failed ON which I didn't like!

Hi Binky,

They first hit the European market in 2005, having been Semko and CE certified in Sweden.

Since then, they have been sold under many brand names, from around £10.00 (SBS) to more than £23.00 (MK).

They are a true 10KA ssc and a good product, depending on which Chinese manufacturer assembles them.

The 2 companies I bought them from had excellent quality control and the failure rate was minimal.

I believe Contactum are currently selling this model, but probably closer to £20.00 than £10.00.

Just to clear any confusion about the term "cheap". My product is cheap to manufacture and cheap to buy from me.

The products of the top brands are also cheaper to manufacture, because of economies of scale, but expensive to buy from the wholesaler.

The quality is the same, it's just that I am not trying to rip anyone off!!

SBS Dave

Sorry Dave should have let you know I have enough stock of compact rcbo's & busbars for the up-coming cu swap, as one of the jobs I had lined up has been cancelled until next month, so I'm using one of the units from the last large order I placed with you.

Will need to place an order to replace the unit before next month though.

Hi Batty,

My order has been shipped this morning from China, so should have them early next week.

Hi M107,

Glad you could switch things around. No problem filling your order as of next week.

NOTE - yesterday, I posted details of my Service Isolators Switches on the "Pulling Main Fuse" thread.

Will post the same info on here, later today.

SBS Dave

SERVICE ISOLATOR SWITCH LEAFLET.jpgService Isolator Switches (1).JPGService Isolator Switches (2).JPG

Details of my Service Isolator Switches, as promised.

Small one is £7.00, middle one is £9.00 and big IP65 one is £11.00, all plus VAT.

Last year, I issued the attached leaflet, when some guys were saying they disconnect and reconnect meter tails LIVE.

I don't condone it and it really comes down to risk assessment, but a safer way to do it, is to transfer the meter tails to an isolator switch.

I acknowledged that the Wylex REC is a good piece of kit, but I believe it is no longer £18.00, but over £20.00 + VAT.

I would welcome anyone's views on what features an ideal Service Isolator Switch should have.

SBS Dave

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as I said in t'other thread,

the fact you can just stick the tails in and screw the cover on does it for me with a REC, no messing about with knock outs and keeping the IP rating.

Hi Sidewinder,

No need to be sorry.

Surely this is the purpose of a "Forum in Action"

I had not considered RS would be anywhere near competitive on this type of product.

I had checked:- TLC  £20.26, Newey  £24.22, Gil-Lec  £16.50, Shop 4  £14.30.

At less than 10 quid, I might consider buying some myself from RS.

Certainly, others reading this topic will now consider buying the Wylex  REC product at a fantastic price.

Good result.


I also have a small amount of C curve Compacts.

Please let me know what sizes of C curve Compacts you think I should stock.
