Sick of Part Peee

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My business is run nicely thankyou! What I am moaning about is not the cost as such, but the fact that as a 'competent' electrical contractor who has ALL the relevant insurances and has made the effort to do the RIGHT thing and join a scam provider some years ago, I am finding more and more cases of people deciding to have work done by a 'mate of Dave's' from the pub.

I win 9/10 jobs I quote for - probably higher than that over the course of a year and I am not the cheapest. I sell my business to my clients on professionalism and quality that they will not get elsewhere. What bugs me though is the fact that some clients still think a spark works for a tenner an hour because that's all that Dave charges and at

From my observations, Part P has frightened off proper sparks from doing domestic and cowboys and DIYers who don't care or have any moral conscience at all are having a field day.
Bang on Rev. It is actually doing us a favour and pushing us more onto Ind / Comm work which we actually prefer and it pays much better than domestic.

For me it has made alot of the builders and kitchen fitters start employing me for jobs they wouldn't have done before, as customers ARE getting more aware of the fact they should be getting paperwork with their electrics,

This all still went on before part p, to a much greater extent! it's not just magically appeared overnight with the onset of part p

Why would a 'proper spark' be frightened off from doin dpmestic work, surely he should have allready have insurance and test kit and give certs, so all thats left is a 5 minute email to notify a job??

there is still good money to be made with the right customers, people do want a good service and will pay a decent price it's all about your target market

Cowboys will allways be with us no matter what and there will allways be customers who allways want bargain basement prices and don't mind the bad work that comes with it, no regulation, no matter how strictly unforced will deter some people from doin things they shouldn't be doin

Here in Bristol, I seem to be getting requests from Solicitors, Estate Agents and Landlords to complete an EICR. many of these properties are very old and often require either major repair or, as often as not, a cu change.

typical one last week, rewirables, no equip bonding or either RCD protection. easiest to - replace CU, but not cheapest.

after handing out RCD leaflet - cu change, happy days - my lable now on cu, phone rings more often. put yourself out there these people do know about Part P

PartP..........what actually are the consequences for the customer?.....are they not able to sell their house without a cert? i bet they can!
We moved house last year, the new (not brand new) property has a new(ish) boiler and a 17th edition board, customer had no certificates, LABC had no notifications, no it didn't stop them selling is the short story. LABC not interested, if they don't know for certain that the work has been done in the last 6 months, and isn't 'dangerous', then there's nothing they can do (so they say, don't want to do is the better explanation)

So for me it's now easier to just get the customer to pay the Building Notice fee (as part of the extension fees it's not much more) and LABC accept my certs as I can prove that I'm competent just because I was an Elecsa member for 3 years running. And contrary to the cost breakdowns given in a few posts above, what with calibration fees for my 3 test meters to add to that, I reckon I'm getting on for a grand a year better off.

I can prove that I'm competent just because I was an Elecsa member for 3 years running. And contrary to the cost breakdowns given in a few posts above, what with calibration fees for my 3 test meters to add to that, I reckon I'm getting on for a grand a year better off.
How much were you paying for calibration then to bring your membership overheads of approx

Unfortunately I cant afford to get there right now Steps, but it would be nice to put faces to names so to speak, but I am hoping to be able to attend a future event.AndyGuinness
you can bum a lift with me if you need Andy, your not much of a detour for me TBH, I dont think. :|

I dont think the digs will be that expensive.
