Powered up a sub main today and got some odd readings, it was getting late and I think I may have done something wrong but gave up for today and will be going back tomorrow.
TNS supply. We fitted a switchfuse (45A) & from this ran 35m of 3c 10mm SWA. Fitted a duel rcd board on the end with 7 circuits. The Ze was 0.35. The R1+R2 was 0.08 but the Zdb was 2.00. Checked all connections & seemed ok. I put N & E probes both on N (other on L) & got 0.45. Double checked with another meter. What have I missed ?
To reward you all I will post a few pics soon of the existing installation.
TNS supply. We fitted a switchfuse (45A) & from this ran 35m of 3c 10mm SWA. Fitted a duel rcd board on the end with 7 circuits. The Ze was 0.35. The R1+R2 was 0.08 but the Zdb was 2.00. Checked all connections & seemed ok. I put N & E probes both on N (other on L) & got 0.45. Double checked with another meter. What have I missed ?
To reward you all I will post a few pics soon of the existing installation.