Talking About Phones .............

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Birmingham mate has one of these new fangled things that you stroke & flick at .....must be 10 times bigger than my 6 yr old Nocky .   It's screen is bigger than my TV !!!     It does however have some drawbacks .......... battery needs charging every day  and   when you're working , fingers get dusty and crappy,   the screen doesn't react to dusty fingers  .   He was using my Nocky all day Thurs as the great singing dancing thing had shut itself down  for some reason ,  so he's heading for the shop with it . 

Any one else had similar probs ?   Samsung I think. 

I have a HTC one m8 and the battery usually lasts the day if I don't do too much interwebbing,,, it also works fine with dirty/dusty hands.

I've also just bought an Otterbox commuter case for it :)

Basicly the same as noz cept mines a Samsung. the battery will last 2 days if I run it in stealth mode.

Android phones tend to have a lot going on in the background unless you run a task killer which stops it from running pointless apps which use ram and drain the battery.

Also got an otterbox ;)

I have a Sony, get a day out of it,

It has a 'glove' mode that allows the screen to work using gloves, also works for dirty hands,

But, they are a pain ITA. if they get a wet screen, nightmare.....

get a blackberry... i can get 2 days use without charging it... only just though, and sometimes need to turn off bluetooth on days 2. easier just to charge it daily

I have the Samsung Galaxy S4, I don't know how long the battery lasts!

It's never off charge long enough.

When I jump in the van it goes on charge and stays on till I get out every journey.

It's rare I do a full day on one site, when I do it lasts normally OK, depends on the signal quality and the number/size of emails coming in normally

BD, be interested in knowing about these background apps and how/where to find them & stop them.

I regularly kill all running processes by holding the home key and then stopping all running.

Same thing?

Personal phone is the Samsung S3 battery life is ok normlly 2 -3 days without charging, although it does shut down wifi when low on power.

Also have Blackberry Z10 & Z30 for the other job, both need charging daily....also if you let them run flat they take an age to charge again.

Oh & I went for the Griffin Survivor cases for the iPad & the S4, very good, saved them LOADS of times.

Drop the iPad off machines regularly!!!

I don't see what the issue is with battery life unless your stranded for more than 24 Hours.

Providing it lasts all day it's not a problem, I normally plug mine in to charge around 11:30pm regardless of what's left on the battery.

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I think the double tap n swipe thing only let's you kill what you are using ie browser, dialer, messages etc.

I use an app called advanced task manager where you can kill all these silly apps either automatically by setting a time or by manually using the widget.

Not yet found a way of stopping things like samsung health and chatOn from re appearing ; (

I think my old Nocky must be a "Special Edition fashion accessory"  or something ..........  youngsters point at it & nudge each other .    I think they must be jealous.   :C  

my iphone 5c has had the worst battery life since I got it. drains in half a day!!! awesome!! remember though, apple give 2 years warranty by EI consumer law. They dont tell you that!

Welcome to the reality of smart phones!

Dry hands = crappy response from the screen

Use the task light - battery drain

Use the internet - battery drain

Use the camera with the flash - battery drain

Been thinking having a basic "brick" would make sense as the battery would last all week - but then you've got 2 numbers to deal with - ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Murdo ... my "Basic Brick" is a lot smaller than the TV screen my mate now has .

I started with the "Breeze Block"  .battery was size of my phone but lasted a week .   I also remember that they had a very clear reception .

I think this was the first one we had .


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Murdoch.... If you so wish you can turn any smart phone into a basic phone,,, just turn all the smart features off..... I reckon I could get 3 days out of mine in "extreme power saving mode"

Murdoch.... If you so wish you can turn any smart phone into a basic phone,,, just turn all the smart features off..... I reckon I could get 3 days out of mine in "extreme power saving mode"
So true, and a good start is turn off 3/4G unless you want to send or receive data, then tum it on then back off.

Perhaps theres a place for a smart  device   with a 22" screen that does all those things ....and a place for a phone that  makes phone calls and doesn't need a car battery to keep it going .

I remember T.Mobile sending a text saying for a small fee I could watch England's world Cup matches on my phone .   Yeah right , on a 2" screen thanks. 

Smart phones? Just a way of "them" being able to track/listen/watch and generally spy on you whilst you pay over the odds for the privilege! Very clever "they" are too........ID cards by another name IMHO. All backed up by advertising campaigns to make them a "must have" for the masses.

Hang on, I can hear a black helicopter!  :lol:
