Test Certificate Form Filling Question

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If an RCD drives say 4, 6 or 24 circuits you only test the RCD once (full sequence of tests of course).  The RCD is tested NOT the circuits and  is best tested at the out-gong side of the unit NOT from a socket outlet ( it says this in GN3 as in 'load disconnected' )  What ever the I delta N up to 30mA

Making sure that the RCD test is correct for the type of unit (old BS 4293) (new BSEN 61008 or 61009) as trip times as not the same at 30mA (200 and 300ms respectively) but both at 40mS for X5

Half test (some people do this at zero and then 180 deg)

X1 zero deg

X1 180 deg

X5 zero deg

X5 180 deg

Mechanical Test push

Record highest values of X1 and X5 only as stated

If the RCD  is 100mA and above X5 not required.

Have fun

Many thanks again guys for all your help. I am happy with how to test the RCD, that's not what I am having a problem with however.

The bit I am uncertain about ( and I'm keen to learn to do it correctly) is where the results of the test of the appropriate RCD are recorded on the form.

Lets say I have a split load board with 2 RCD's . I understand that each RCD needs to be tested separately.

On the test form there is a column running vertically where the test results for the RCD are to be recorded at 1X and 5X, but (AND THIS IS THE BIT i AM NOT GETTING)  on which line do I record the results.

Sorry if I could upload a form I'm sure I could explain my problem more clearly , but I can't!

I fill my forms in as the parts are in the consumer unit.

-     -   Main switch        -  60947-3 - 100A

- 1  -   exterior lights      - 61009 -   6A -            1x 39.9ms      5x  9.6ms

- 2  -    spare

- 3 -    spare  

-    -   RCD module       - 61008  -                      1x42.2ms       5x  8.9ms

- 4 -   Cooker                - 60898 -  40A

- 5 -  Dungeon  power  - 60898 - 20A

- 6 -  lights                    - 60898 - 6A

I only put RCD trip times in the column for that RCD

It saves me writing the trip times in every column, i am able to understand the layout of the board better when i refer back to an old cert. The NICEIC inspector always comments how easy it is understand written out like that.

On the test sheet I put the RCD on its own line and fill in the relevant details for the RCD, such as disconnect time, mA rating and trip time x1 & x5, etc

I then fill in each line for each circuit and on a split board put the 2nd RCD on its own line followed by the relevant circuits below.

I find this way it clearly denotes the RCD and it's details/test results, similarly the circuits are clearly defined with details and results.

I fill my forms in as the parts are in the consumer unit.

-     -   Main switch        -  60947-3 - 100A

- 1  -   exterior lights      - 61009 -   6A -            1x 39.9ms      5x  9.6ms

- 2  -    spare

- 3 -    spare  

-    -   RCD module       - 61008  -                      1x42.2ms       5x  8.9ms

- 4 -   Cooker                - 60898 -  40A

- 5 -  Dungeon  power  - 60898 - 20A

- 6 -  lights                    - 60898 - 6A

I only put RCD trip times in the column for that RCD

It saves me writing the trip times in every column, i am able to understand the layout of the board better when i refer back to an old cert. The NICEIC inspector always comments how easy it is understand written out like that.
only 20A for the dungeon?!?!?!?!?  :eek:

you are obviously only an amateur    :slap

Brilliant  That's exactly the info' I was unclear about. Many many thanks for taking the time to help me out, it's very much appreciated.

Pewter I understand your way of doing it, so I intend to use that way. I can see that there are other ways to display the info' but your way is very clear to me.

Once I work out how to upload an image or text file onto this site, I would like to put up a completed test form and lay myself open for criticism and comments.

What's the Scoob & descoob thing about. I don't want to press it and do the wrong thing?

Did you know, and not a lot of people know this, that the EICR in GN3 (page 98) is filled in (IMHO) incorrectly.

Circuit 6 - upstairs lighting - Zs is given as 8.50 ohms. 

It goes on to say in the notes that the circuit initial high EFLI was due to loose terminals and that wiring has been disconnected. 

The new circuit value of 2.86  Ohm  (85 Mtrs of 1.5/1.0) has been given and IMHO it is this value that should be shown in the results as the circuit has been modified.  

'The disconnected circuit conductors' are now of no importance and the incorrect/faulty value not relevant.  If the original value is left where it is then a further EICR is required as the circuit should be re-tested after repair?

It is noted that the disconnected conductors  'remain damaged' but no mention of damaged conductors had been made.  Give it a read and see what you think. 

Happy days
