Test Certificate Form Filling Question

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Junior Member
Jul 24, 2009
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Hi I have a couple of questions about some of the fields that need to be filled in.

1.On the design, construction, inspection and testing section.

'said work has been carried out in accordance with BS 7671  " empty box to be filled in with the appropriate figure, what is the figure?

2.  and amended to " empty box to be filled in with the appropriate date" what is the date?

3. On the characteristics of primary supply overcurrent protective device(s)

In my case it's a BS 1361 fuse. rated at 100A

But, what is the type?

4.  There is an empty box to be filled in with " Designation of consumer unit" what do I put?

many thanks in anticipation of any help for this newbie.

Forgive me for asking but are you Part P?  I'm not wishing to be a pain here but have you ever been shown how to fill in a test form?  I need to know this as it is far to easy on these forums to give out information that could hurt you.


Rob I'm just about to do the Part P as I have been out of the game since 2005. I do have 2391 test and inspection which I passed in 2005. I'm just doing some revision in readiness and am looking at a DEIC and realized that I don't remember a few things which I should know.

I know that the 17th edition came into force in Jan 2008 and was amended in 2011, but I'm also aware of the recent amendments, not sure of exactly when though.

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  • BS 1361 if in a singe phase is most probably a 1361 Type 1 now replaced with 88.  (and anyway, you are not to know as should not be pulling that one out)  This would be at the intake head.  LIM otherwise if not visually seen.  If you have seen the fuse the type would by there, stamped on it.  Never guess it as it could be a 100A head fitted with a 63A fuse. 

  • Amended to:  2008(11)

  • if only one DB then ... DB 1

If you want a hand with Part P let me know.  here to help.

******, amendment 2 was in 2013....

And another few quid bits the dust!
Many thanks Zimmy. very helpful .I will probably have some more questions soon!

  • BS 1361 if in a singe phase is most probably a 1361 Type 1 now replaced with 88.  (and anyway, you are not to know as should not be pulling that one out)  This would be at the intake head.  LIM otherwise if not visually seen.  If you have seen the fuse the type would by there, stamped on it.  Never guess it as it could be a 100A head fitted with a 63A fuse. 

  • Amended to:  2008(11)

  • if only one DB then ... DB 1

If you want a hand with Part P let me know.  here to help.

******, amendment 2 was in 2013....
Many thanks Zimmy. That was very helpful to me. Probably have some more questions soon!

Doesn't the On Site Guide still have some example certificates and forms showing how they are filled in? If not there must be some study guide books that go over this sort of stuff.

Doc H.

Doc Yes, the onsite guide book does have some example certificates. Some of my problem is related to having what I believe is a Generic EIC pad, and I'm unsure at the moment if every single column needs to be filled in or not, things have changed somewhat from when I did my 2391 course back in 2005.

Kerching  Thanks for that, i thought it was just me being stupid.

That's why I was asking the question. So what should I put if I don't categorically know for certain what the fuse rating and type is?

Doc Yes, the onsite guide book does have some example certificates. Some of my problem is related to having what I believe is a Generic EIC pad, and I'm unsure at the moment if every single column needs to be filled in or not, things have changed somewhat from when I did my 2391 course back in 2005.

Kerching  Thanks for that, i thought it was just me being stupid.

That's why I was asking the question. So what should I put if I don't categorically know for certain what the fuse rating and type is?
Dont Know  is what I put 

One, hopefully last question. On the test results I assume each of the circuits needs to be subjected to the RCD test, both 1x and 5x, at 0' and 180' ( so 4 tests in all)?

And, on the 'Test button function' there is a box to tick for each of any circuits tested. Does this mean that the test button has to be activated for each circuit?
