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I think there is no doubt such work is an alteration to the installation by virtue of the fact you are breaking and then re-making connections,therefore you need to verify your finished work is safe. I think therefore Regs 134.2 .1 and 131.8 should be complied with.a1spark.

There is nothing being altered or added to.

And im not sure where you are coming from with breaking connections.

The faceplates are being changed. Thats it.

No different from ANY homeowner doing it themselves, which they are permitted to do.

It does state in BS7671 that a MEIWC may also be used for the replacement of equipment such as accessories or luminairs.

In what way?What cables were altered?

What additional sockets were there?
who said cables must be altered? if anything is changed/replaced, then the circuit has been altered. may not warrant an EIC or MWC, but the fact still remins the installation has been changed.

and any additional sockets would be an addition, not alteration (somewhat obvious. or maybe not enough)

Im not sure i understand how a circuit has altered when an accessory has been replaced.

If readings were taken before and after, there would barely be any difference between the two.

Im not sure i understand how a circuit has altered when an accessory has been replaced.If readings were taken before and after, there would barely be any difference between the two.
changing a socket wont affect the circuit readins. but the fact still remains, unless you test it, you have no idea if the circuit is safe. for all you know, it may not have an earth.

take a light switch for example - you change a plastic to metal, connect earth, and leave. customer then gets a shock due to a fault, but the earth was never connected at the other end, you have then left it dangerous because your too lazy to test to make sure its safe.

another example: what if you think you have connected a socket properly, but what happens if the earth comes out as you screw it to the wall? unlikely, but your testing would identify something wrong

I agree in part with what you are saying, however, changing of accessories does not require any testing, notification, or even qualifications.

Thats why Part P allows it to be done by anyone.

part p allows anyone to install a socket in a living room (along with other works). does that mean no testing is required?

if you dont test, how do you know what you have done is safe?

I agree in part with what you are saying, however, changing of accessories does not require any testing, notification, or even qualifications.Thats why Part P allows it to be done by anyone.
FFS plug a bloody socket tester in? Wet Fish

Some years ago I was told by the NIC that if I so much as removed a lightswitch, and then stuck it back on I would then need to test that circuit and issue a cert.

I think some people are getting confused, just because you don;t have to notify a job doesn't mean you don't need to do it properly, i.e. test it.

Did you have something useful to add to the thread??Thought not.
Did you have something useful to add to the thread??

Thought not.

I agree in part with what you are saying, however, changing of accessories does not require any testing, notification, or even qualifications.Thats why Part P allows it to be done by anyone.
But thats what makes us different from the builder/handyman/diyer you have the tools to do the job correctly.

there seems to be some rather heated 'discussions' going on here at the mo. just read the thread on cats! think i'll just keep reading. i'm too frightened to post anything as the weather turns and the nights grow colder. just remember folks, it'll be christmas soon!

just remember folks, it'll be christmas soon!
Some of us might hate Christmas and not give a flying **** whether it nearly is or just was, or any other sort of tense. Christmas = PITA. Hate it.

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