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Like for like replacement is not deemed to be installation work, it would be good practice to check Polarity, CPC continuty/Zs and RCD test if fitted, but no MWC is required.

As a matter of interest what would be the thoughts on verifying the adequacy of the Earthing Conductor and Main Protective Bonding on such occasions ?


Its maintenance/like for like, so i wouldnt even bother getting the tester out of the van.

Its maintenance/like for like, so i wouldnt even bother getting the tester out of the van.
And if you connected it up with the wrong polarity? A connection [earth?] pulled out as you put the socket back on?

Its maintenance/like for like, so i wouldnt even bother getting the tester out of the van.
I think there is no doubt such work is an alteration to the installation by virtue of the fact you are breaking and then re-making connections,therefore you need to verify your finished work is safe. I think therefore Regs 134.2 .1 and 131.8 should be complied with.


Have a look at the MWC model form in the BRB (page335).

It gives a list of essentail tests, which are IR, EFLI, polarity and RCD test (if applicable).

As a matter of interest what would be the thoughts on verifying the adequacy of the Earthing Conductor and Main Protective Bonding on such occasions ?a1spark.
As has been said already...

131.8 page 16 covers just about EVERYTHING! IMHO. :) :Salute


So how you saying the name of your town?Shrewsbury (as in shrew, the little rodent) or Shrowsbury?


:red card :red card:red card:red card

Off topic or what???????????????????

Did anyone hear what happened in The Archers today?


:p :p:p:Blushing:Blushing

If patch can go off topic then so can I!!!!!!!!!!!

So how you saying the name of your town?Shrewsbury (as in shrew, the little rodent) or Shrowsbury?
The first one apparently. The locals get upset if you use the latter. Only problem is when I'm back in the normal area of the UK no-one has heard of Shrewsbury so they assume I live in Dewsbury.

Off topic or what???????????????????
You sound surprised. Have you not read any other threads? Pick one at random, it will be a veritable roller coaster of subjects and topics or your money back.

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