Things I Don't Like

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Ricky Gervais......except in the Office and Extras

Knackered knees

Falling off a deck onto knackered knees

Politicians talking bollocks ie. ROBUST enquiry

Customers wanting you to drop everything as their job is THE MOST IMPORTANT JOB SINCE THE CREATION

running out of Merlot






John him along with the word 'smug'.........double funny

Any footballer/team/manager


Offers that are not really offers....just a marketting con

Constant changing of Regs AND our requirement to fricking well buy them at an extortionate price

People,talking bollocks

Misplacing tools

Insulting tape that does not stick...even to itself


Alan Carr....pratt

Jimmy Carr's laugh

Rachel Riley

In long skirts or baggy tops

Probably a couple more that i have missed
Thought he'd gone off her for a minute !!

Have to agree with blue highlights .

Office & Extras  were very good , subtle comedy.

My knees are also knackered.

Merlot I can take or leave .TBH

Football I can take or leave.

Esther I used to fancy 100 yrs ago when she was a mere researcher on The  Braden Beat ( And she founded Childline   can't be bad  ) 

INSULTING  tape I'm not familiar with ....presume it has  " You bleedin' to$$er"   printed along its length . 

Fist pumping

Fist bumping

Hi fives


A hoopin an a hollerin on these USA shows

Any and ALL B n Q light fittings

Searchlight chrome flexi arm LED wall lights

Shop assistants dressed as Elves or any Xmas themed costume...went in Little Tesco today and ALL staff looked like Grumpy

xmas Carols on a loop


Jonathon Woss

Clebrity Chefs.......idea for a TV prog... Celebrity Chefs and amateurs cook for a panel of experts. Panel does not know who are chefs and who are not so thus no,idea who cooked what. That will sort out the pretentious tossers and their warm salad, drizzle etc

Jimmy Carr

Grahaem Norton


Tw@s who drive at 100000 mph mainly on industrial,estates at home time

Horn beepers

Carpet freshener

Running out of Southern Comfort

Football pundits......WTF actually IS a pundit

Tw@s ringing me up about hearing loss.....told the last one that I worked in Bomb Disposal

The continuing PPI calls

Un-chocolate biscuits with the exception of Fig rolls

Probably a couple more

The onslaught of unwanted international calls that seem to die away for a week or so , then return with a vengance .

The answer phone is now permanently set to "on"  

Most of them are from Asian sounding  people, all with English names , all purporting to work for Microsoft , all wanting to help clear the faults with my 'puter.   

Festive perfume and aftershave adverts

Panic buying food for Xmas....FFS the Spar round the corner from me is open at 0830 on the 25th!

Scottish New Year celebrations

The majority of Guitarists who when interviewed on TV nearly always have a guitar with them and insist on strumming a few chords to get their point across. Never happens with drummers,,flautists, cymbal clashers, bell ringers, violinists etc

Badger bothering Brian May

chris Packham another wildlife worrier

Probably a couple more

Festive perfume and aftershave adverts

Panic buying food for Xmas....FFS the Spar round the corner from me is open at 0830 on the 25th!

Scottish New Year celebrations

The majority of Guitarists who when interviewed on TV nearly always have a guitar with them and insist on strumming a few chords to get their point across. Never happens with drummers,,flautists, cymbal clashers, bell ringers, violinists etc

Badger bothering Brian May

chris Packham another wildlife worrier

Probably a couple more
Ah, see, you've probably never done a proper hogmanay,

Not that shite you see on tv, but the proper drinking one where you just sit drinking all night with complete strangers, 

It's something to behold,  and, if you can remember how good it was, you didn't drink enough,   :D

My right knee (right now)..... It a swollen and painful to kneel on so I'm on antibiotics for 7 days from today (so over Christmas)

I've always used knee pads but I've bought a new set as my old ones were a bit thin

I think we should start an Electrician's Knee Club ....known as the EKC   of course .

If you've ot bad knees , you're in !!!   Simples. 

Anyone who qualifies has permission too include  EKC after their name .  Or MEKC  as in Member of ......

I can see it going nationwide ,,,or somewhere . 

You could write a non statutory book of guidance on how to use knees and charge let's say £80 a copy for it and make it compulsory reading for anyone who wishes to comply with part knee the statutory regulation which applies to all tradesmen who use their knees.

Yep.... No sleep again!

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We could have a digital version

You pay for three years of pain free knee action.

Then after three years your knees stop working BUT you still have the set from 4 years ago, but they are useless

You can get newly qualified as a 5 knee wonder but you can only advertise and use the knees for walknig slowly.....NO running

I'm liking this ..........Part Knee  of the Building Regs  is good ....but as Kerch says , we don't want a load of 5 Knee Wonders joining ....their knees won't be bad enough for a start .

Should there be a seperate section of the Forum for those with knees ?
