Things I Don't Like

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118118 adverts

Bingo adverts

Barbara Windsor"s laugh


Slow punctures

TV images where, to add a feeling of age, they add ****ing stupid effects like hairs on the screen, watermarks, jittering images etc

Gobby Yanks

That twonk on the Diners driveins and dives that has to wear his shades on the back of his head

Email servers crashing

Discontinued MCBs etc


Barclays Digital Eagles.....forget the ****ing poncing about AND provide a better banking service....tossers

Buzzwords....and effected meaningless, grammatically incorrect statements

Can i get


Double discount

Limited it is is a try out to see if it sells



Cold call tele sales

Probably a couple more

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Adverts that you are still wondering at the end what the **** they are trying to sell you. (I'm probably just too old)

And why I would want to go out smelling of Diesel anyway. If I want to smell like that I'll go and service my digger.

Ah yes, on tv when they rewind something, they put lines on the screen to try and mimic an old VHS machine running backwards (badly) and you hear the sound playing quickly backwards.  Someone tell them that just doesn't happen with a PVR

Anyway you can tell Christmas is over now, the holiday adverts are on tv now.

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Adverts that you are still wondering at the end what the **** they are trying to sell you. (I'm probably just too old)

And why I would want to go out smelling of Diesel anyway. If I want to smell like that I'll go and service my digger.

Ah yes, on tv when they rewind something, they put lines on the screen to try and mimic an old VHS machine running backwards (badly) and you hear the sound playing quickly backwards.  Someone tell them that just doesn't happen with a PVR

Anyway you can tell Christmas is over now, the holiday adverts are on tv now.
Yeah I'm suffering from that too  .

And as you say , holiday ads are on so Christmas must be over .......................anyone for an Easter egg ?

And every Christmas they show ET  and every year , when he comes back to life & the theme music plays , the Missus cries.   

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LOL,,,, watched that today :snakehead

and one ad got me the other day...... auto trader,,,, I was wondering wtf they were on about intil the last 3 seconds of the as :eek:

...going to bed now as I'm working tomorrow, I've already had enough

Just a note, drove back from London mid morning Sunday, and there were numerous construction sites open and people working! Don't they close down in London for Xmas break?

Kerching I bet you're a bundle of fun to be around assuming you like some people!


Just a note, drove back from London mid morning Sunday, and there were numerous construction sites open and people working! Don't they close down in London for Xmas break?

Kerching I bet you're a bundle of fun to be around assuming you like some people!

It has been pointed out that sometimes, when i have had a little too much to drink, i can come across as a bit grumpy. Cannot see it myself. I see myself as a , tolerant,,happy, smiling, caring, fluffy kitten of a person

B&Q selling CU's to general public for £50

Shops selling exercise and diet equipment on the same shelves that a few days ago were laden with the unhealthy crap that got you in that state in the first place

Rip off loan companies charging 4000% interest

People daft enough to use them

NOW TV box that wont let me use Netflix


I think thats enough for now,......

I didn't envy your lot restoring power up here in atrocious conditions last weekend.

Anyway things I don't like:

Reversing beepers.

Working in a nice rural house in the middle of nowhere, and all I can hear every 30 seconds or so is "beep beep beep....... "  Nearby farm shovelling s**t far enough away you can't hear the tractors, but the bloody reversing beepers should be banned.

Hoarders - you try fault finding when you can't find any sockets - I think there's one over here?? behind the metal railings and 30 years worth of newspapers...ohh wait perhaps its over there in the room FULL of plastic bags.

 "Mentally ill" people who social services bend over backwards for yet they still refuse to do anything but smoke weed and play x-box.

80 year old ladies who will climb rickety wooden ladders to change lamps rather than wake up their 45 year old offspring at 3 in the afternoon!

sticky carpets

van tracking (we only have 3 employees with work vans) .

1970's style money handling.

my job...... in general.


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Well, i have managed for over 3 months, but i fear i will have to recant my calmness......

Fricking Election coverage!

Politicians talking total w4nk.....they all look like Friends of Jimmy, Diddlers the lot of 'em

Meaningless words, or wrong context....






Ambassador....FFS Amanda Holden is now the Ambassador for, wait for it..........ALPEN!!

Has the world gone MAD...FFS. ALPEN!!!

Only a short rant BUT I feel there will be more to come as I have broken the crust

Just saying
