TT system.

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So what if you have a PME distribustion with a TN-S presentation or even TT?
Nice one, the above comment makes the comment below also a lie;\

pme must always be TNCS, but it is not an exclusive two way deal,

tncs need not be pme.
You mean the part where it says its found in TN-C-S systems rather than is the same as? So what if you have a PME distribustion with a TN-S presentation or even TT?
Not aware of that part.

I was refering to the part in the definition of TN-C-S, where it states:

"This distribution system is also known as protective multiple earthing."

There is also in figure 2.2 for the definition of TN-C a source earth at the source, and an additional source of earth at the installation.

Not aware of that part.I was refering to the part in the definition of TN-C-S, where it states:

"This distribution system is also known as protective multiple earthing."

There is also in figure 2.2 for the definition of TN-C a source earth at the source, and an additional source of earth at the installation.
Key word. DISTRIBUTION!! We are talking about presentations which PME is not. There are many threads on here about this. Maybe go read one of them instrad of hijacking GS's help seeking thread.

Nice one, the above comment makes the comment below also a lie;\
Not at all. If the PEN is not used for PE then thats irellevent.

Not aware of that part.I was refering to the part in the definition of TN-C-S, where it states:

"This distribution system is also known as protective multiple earthing."
TNCS is also known as PME. no debate about it. but your totally ignorant to the fact that TNCS takes other forms, some of which cannot be PME due to the lack of 'multiple' rods.

Key word. DISTRIBUTION!! We are talking about presentations which PME is not. There are many threads on here about this. Maybe go read one of them instrad of hijacking GS's help seeking thread.
I disagree, by refering to TN-C-S, you are refering to both the method of distribution, and the method of presentation at the installation.

The distribution being TN-C and the installation being TN-S.

I know there are many threads on the forum about this, I have taken part in some of them.

I am not hijacking the thread, I am asking for clarification on some of the posts made within the thread.

Some people appear to disagree with the definitions contained in BS7671, I would like to know why they disagree, and I would like to find out if they have any evidence to support their views.

Perhaps I am totally ignorant to the fact that TN-C-S takes other forms which do not comply with the definitions in BS7671.However, as you have not done anything other than make bald statements, with no supporting evidence.

I think I'll stick with the definitions contained in BS7671 for now.
unfortunetly, your have not yet realised there is more to electricity than 7671.... try opening your mind to reality.

three options

hit the rod in through the slate

run a 16mm earth out to the building

or put a rod down at the mains of the house ;)

three optionshit the rod in through the slate

run a 16mm earth out to the building

or put a rod down at the mains of the house ;)

1.Rod will bend, Has to be drilled, slate too thick.

2. As in export the earth? Not really an option.

3. Its a visitors/tourist attraction centre in the middle of a slate mine, so don't think putting a rod down at the mains will make any difference.

Grounding compound on order...backfill the hole drilled.

Cheers for the help once again lads.

the last one was a bit tongue and cheek

if you put a rod down at the mains and connect it to the pme it would give the ground in that area a better earth reading and thus lower the reading of what limited soil you have. hypothetically of course :) as im not sure how this would stand via regs or nic but it would have the desired effect
