Very upset this morning!!!!!!!!

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Robin Spark

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2009
Reaction score
Second time in 3 weeks and some little XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX has keyed my car again!

Would 'nt mind if I deserved it and had upset someone but its just 2 seconds self gratification and humour for some little idiot/s that doesnt like someone else working hard earning some money and having a decent car.

I grew up on a council estate when i was a kid, never got handouts from my parents, had little money most of the time and worked from a young age doing saturday jobs so I could buy half a pint of maggots and some hooks to go fishing on a sunday.

Although I wished at times I had better things especially at school when most of the other kids had a lot more than me, it never made me want to steal or vandalise others property.

Sorry to hear it mate, it is fustrating, even if the bas*ards get caught you never get any justice

Thats the problem though, they get caught but not punished so I am going to have to come up with something to put them off doing it in the first place.

Its happened afaik outside relations house as its a bit dark and secluded there but they also have an alley way nearby which as we all know attracts the low lifes of society.

Thinking of 2 options at the moment:

1. improve lighting and install cctv

2. Does anyone know about the car alarms which warn you if you get too close to the vehicle? ie car horn sounds etc

Improve lighting anyway.

CCTV is no good on a budget, as I said the other day on a similar thread, cheap CCTV is not worth fitting, spend your money on other stuff.

Car alarms with proximity, gadgety type things and again, not worth fitting a cheap version IMO as it can be more of a nuisance than a deterrent.

As always, spend your money wisely, buy decent stuff rather than loads of cheap crap. I'd rather have a few decent lights than a myriad of **** chinese cameras and car alarms.

Sorry to hear about that mate.

I'd get some sort of proximity sensor on the car that warns you that they are near the car. Not one that sounds at the car but one that sends a warning to the key fob. Then deal with it when it happens.

But be very careful as these little scrotes have the law on their side even if they are breaking the law. My pal had exactly the same thing happen to his car and he got hold of the kid and threatened him. His mum called the old bill and he got arrested for assault on a minor and is doing community service for it now. He just missed going on the sex offenders register as it was on a minor ffs. Have you reported this to the police as more reports of unsolved crimes don't look too good for the police so I'd report it anyway.

What car was it mate?

You don't own a bb gun do you mate with a strengthened spring? May come in useful lol

Sorry to hear about that mate.I'd get some sort of proximity sensor on the car that warns you that they are near the car. Not one that sounds at the car but one that sends a warning to the key fob. Then deal with it when it happens.

But be very careful as these little scrotes have the law on their side even if they are breaking the law. My pal had exactly the same thing happen to his car and he got hold of the kid and threatened him. His mum called the old bill and he got arrested for assault on a minor and is doing community service for it now. He just missed going on the sex offenders register as it was on a minor ffs. Have you reported this to the police as more reports of unsolved crimes don't look too good for the police so I'd report it anyway.

What car was it mate?

You don't own a bb gun do you mate with a strengthened spring? May come in useful lol
What the heck is all that about nearly put on sex offenders register? What for just grabbing hold of the little scrutter?

I am thinking that maybe best plan will be to improve lighting at my relatives (they have already offered to pay for materials) and look into proximity sensor.

But 2 questions for you are?

1. As the car is new this year would I have to get a dealer to do the work ?

2. Are budget camera kits totally useless? Are they better if located within the area lit by a PIR floodlight?


Sorry to hear about that mate.You don't own a bb gun do you mate with a strengthened spring? May come in useful lol
Don't even go in that direction in this day and age. You'd be luck if they didn't have the swat squad out, and if you got clocked for that it wouldn't be community service it would be prison for firearms offense

What the heck is all that about nearly put on sex offenders register? What for just grabbing hold of the little scrutter?I am thinking that maybe best plan will be to improve lighting at my relatives (they have already offered to pay for materials) and look into proximity sensor.

2. Are budget camera kits totally useless? Are they better if located within the area lit by a PIR floodlight?

Budget cameras are only just about suitable for door entry use no focus or zoom for distance, night vision next to useless.

as to proximity sensor in the car, as someone else suggested don't use one that sets car alarm or horn off.

A number of years ago their was one near us that was always going of at all times of night and ill tell you quite a few of the neighbors me included if we had of seen someone nicking that car we would have just gone back to bed

1. As the car is new this year would I have to get a dealer to do the work ?
Sorry to here of this Robin. Respect for others property is unfortunately a diminishing value. How bad is the damage? Is the value more than the excess you would have to pay anyway or not worth loosing a no-claims for? Many dealers use specified body shops for their repair work. Ask your dealer who they recommend. Or some minor repairs can be done by these mobile patching and bodywork repair vans.

Doc H.

1. As the car is new this year would I have to get a dealer to do the work ?
Not neccesarily. You may need to check with the dealer regarding warranty but anyone should be able to fit anything to any car. I've worked on plenty of new cars with no problems.

2. Are budget camera kits totally useless? Are they better if located within the area lit by a PIR floodlight?
Obviously people buy these budget cameras and will say they are great. I have spent years fitting CCTV systems at the higher end of the scale and obviously there's no comparison. The cheap cameras will basically show you what it wants to show you, no tweaking or adjustments, and what it will show you is an outline of something somewhere in front of it. It will also probably not last all that long. The decent CCTV will be fully adjustable and tweakable, can be specced to work in low light\darkness, will be able t show you what is going on and, if you go for the higher end rather than mid range stuff, be able to do some ID.

Sorry Robin spark, did I misread the do I need to take it to a dealer question? I thought you referred to the scratch damage, but seeing Lurch's previous reply were you actually asking about installing an alarm system?

Doc H.

Sorry Robin spark, did I misread the do I need to take it to a dealer question? I thought you referred to the scratch damage, but seeing Lurch's previous reply were you actually asking about installing an alarm system? Doc H.
No I was talking about the alarm system. Also I dont think it will be worth paying for the work myself as the scratches are on 2 doors and the rear panel which are all quite deep!

I was also thinking about setting up my handheld digital camera within the car next time I go to relatives just to see who is going past the car as it must be someone who regularly goes by.

Did you see anyone leaving with a trailer? You're in SL's neck of the woods. Maybe he's worried by the competition? ;)
No dont think Specs would have done it....unless the scratches are from his trailer rear end as he realised he had gone shooting past the pub and needed to swing round pretty sharpish to get on their car park!

Perhaps he might check his rear for scratches LOL and report back to the forum.

No don't think Specs would have done it....unless the scratches are from his trailer rear end as he realised he had gone shooting past the pub and needed to swing round pretty sharpish to get on their car park!Perhaps he might check his rear for scratches LOL and report back to the forum.
:Blushing :Blushing

I am just T-cutting and respraying me trailer at the moment!!!!!!!!!!!!

:Blushing :innocent:run

No I was talking about the alarm system. Also I dont think it will be worth paying for the work myself as the scratches are on 2 doors and the rear panel which are all quite deep!I was also thinking about setting up my handheld digital camera within the car next time I go to relatives just to see who is going past the car as it must be someone who regularly goes by.
I would be a little weary of leaving your digi-cam in open view in the car, as the little tikes may think it's a gift from you........



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