Video Door entry ext sounder

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Junior Member
Sep 11, 2011
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I am looking for a solution to a problem that I havent had before.

We have been asked to add an Ext sounder, in another area of the office, to a video door entry system, my problem is.

There are 4 call buttons for 4 different offices, all with Video door entry.

At the front door Panel, and at the control pane in ceiling , there is 12v dc, the call from the front door panel is 4.6v ac, + there are spare cores in cables.

I cant find a 6v ac sounder, so I have had to fit a rectifier, to change the AC to DC, to drive a relay, to control the 12 v DC, it works OK, but my problem is, that the sounder only works for the time the button is pressed, this also affects the original speaker, which is in the handset speaker, very quiet, the ext speaker to be loud enough, is a warble, they have now told me that this is too similar to the fire alarm sounder, so will have to be changed.

Any one offer me a more basic solution, PLEASE as simple job seems to have got out of hand, and I am pretty sure I have missed some basic answer, looking for something that needn't be.

Thanks guys.

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you want an extension speaker on the intercom system ?

what makeis the product ?


Aifa. if I remember rightly

I will have to check it out to make sure, and will come back to you.

normally you can purchase a boxed extension speaker from the intercom manufacturer.

Aifa ? that don't ring any bells


I couldnt find a contact for the manufacturer to see if they do one, any ideas .

I will try another one, but most of these are imported via distributors,


I have found a couple of extension speakers, on line, but they do not seem to be very loud,
