What Do I Need To Watch 3D movies at home?..

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Feb 6, 2008
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3D movies can't be viewed on a standard TV and DVD Player, Correct?

I believe that a 3D Capable TV and Components are needed.

What is the way to go now? DVD or Blu-ray?

What is needed exactly?

What specs do I look for? (Not Spec Locs).

3D is relatively new, so I do not want to pay over the odds for something and discover that there is a better model out within a few months, a and it be cheaper too. (Yes, I know - it happens like this all the time).

Thanks for any helpful replies.

As noz spark says there are a few systems out there so is best to wait a while. If you do wish to go ahead you will need 3d tv,glasses,sky hd3d and or 3d blu ray player.check out makro they are selling whole samsung kit for under

How lucky am I

Did a partial rewire for some fella Slough way, he asked if I'd take a 3 week old tv system as part payment..........50" panasonic plasma HD3D tv with theatre blu-ray/Ipod sytem & panasonic recordable dvd player now in my front room.

Oh yes

M - I used to like you. :_|

Andy - I agree with you and the others. I will wait. I don't buy things that have just gone on the market any way.

If the kids hadnt trashed the room I'd take a picture of it just for you Admin.... Ok I'll have a tidy up then get the camra out.

i get the feeling that thius 3d tv is just another money making scam like hd is supposed to be better, me personnally i cannot see any difference between normal and hd tv !

i get the feeling that thius 3d tv is just another money making scam like hd is supposed to be better, me personnally i cannot see any difference between normal and hd tv !
I had a customer once showing me the difference between SKY Sports and SKY Sports HD,, he thought there was a massive difference, but I couldn't see any.

Maybe spending the difference for tthe HD kit/subscription triggers the HD viewing part of our eyes/brain;)

We`re all watching the Xmas films at Admin`s house.......I can`t afford HD; let alone 3D!!!!! ;)
Haven't even looked at the price KME.

Like I said above - I would never buy something when it first comes out for a minimum of two reasons.

1. Expense

2. I am not a Guinea pig

Emerging technologies are good, but you need to have the money to be able to try it out and get rid when better kit comes out for half the price 6 Months later (it will happen regardless so no way of avoiding it at all). I'd wait a while, unless the pools have just come in or you've won the jackpot on the Euro millions.

And as for the people that can;t see the difference between SD and HD, there is a noticeable difference, just because you can;t see it doesn;t mean you should go about saying it's not worth buying into. It is better, but whether it's worth it is a different matter. Some will see the benefit, some won't.

listen to you all hd 3d, i dont even get ch 5, or itv1, as i have sky free sat and they cut them off untill i buy a new card, like i am going to do that i have not sat through a coronation street for months, its great.

I agree with Lurch, there is a noticeable difference but it is down to content

Remember SD is broadcast at 625 lines of vertical resolution, so if the HD broadcast is based on 720P (some sports content), then yes not much in it, however compare a programme made and broadcast in 1080P it is very noticeable because there is close to four times the detail over SD.

I install lots of 40"+ TV's the reaction is always the same, positive, I've yet to have a customer express disappointment when they see 1080P content.

As to 3D, again I've installed several, content is a bit thin on the ground. From the limited content I've seen some works well particularly animation, and some of the real world content can look a bit stepped (like the children's cardboard theatres).

I'm not personally convinced that 3D is worth the extra, but if you are flush with cash go ahead

As to hardware (OP's question)

A 3D ready TV

Matching (technology) 3D glasses, for a family of four this can get expensive

A BluRay supporting 3D (PS3 will have an s/w upgrade path)

or Sky HD 3D (limited to 1080I, rumour some content may be 720 or lower, due to bandwidth)

Contrary to popular understanding you don't need a v1.4 HDMI cable, but would make sense if you are buying the kit or the output will be limited to 1080I

I have to be honest HD3D blah de blah tv... ment sod all to me (with kids I dont get to watch much unless its Hanna montanna / Ben10 or Dr who), but I wanted some payment for the job rather than nothing & if it ment a tv system that I could sell on for a few

well I only have HD on DVD and I can deffo see a difference,

and my telly's not that big,

if I had the cash,

and the bike racing was on HD,(which it is not.!)

then I would go bigger TV and HD,

but until they put motorbike racing on HD then my TV stays exactly as it is.

job done.

and I bet it will be another 5-10yrs before it goes HD never mind 3D.

so by that time 3D will be well sorted for me as well.


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