Which Netbook?

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Distinguished Member
Jan 1, 2009
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Im after a netbook for the van. The laptop ive been using is rather old and is now causing problems i dont want, and to top it all a battery life of less than five minutes which as you can imagine is less than ideal.

So ive decided its time to invest in a new one and some software for word processing invoices ect, ect. I thought a netbook would be best as they appear to be cheaper and I dont need much performance. Ive survived with it being standalone until now and will do for a bit so dont need virus protection.

Im a bit out of touch with whats good or not ( i own a macbook) so dont look at windows stuff is this a ok deal? Ive always thought HP was a fairly hardy brand?


no doubt awesome i would love to problem is the amount of money involved and secondly the software i want to use on it wont work on macs i know there are ways and means around it but its all a bit much for me.

I will always use a mac at home no doubt but swinging around in the van and on site just isnt right too much money there!

Mac all the way. I have 2 in the house and a Sony Vaio lappy. I use some software which will only work on 'Windows' via Parallel on my Macs and works brilliantly. There is nothing a Windows PC can do these days that a Mac cannot do much better. Once used, never dropped! E.g if you buy a Macbook Air at

Apple, products best avoided

Timeport (because it's not a NAS and lacks SMB shares support)

AppleTV (including new version, because it's carp)

OK I know these are not Netbooks etc, but just a bit of advice should you fall into the clutches of the excessively expensive fruit vendor

I have Apple TV - new version which came out a few weeks ago. It is a great bit of kit. I don't tend to use it for movies but am able to stream all of my Mac content to my home cinema system - photo's, films, music etc etc. Invaluable and only

This from a Mac email list I belong to:

I have a Dell Mini 10v running Snow Leopard. the Dell cost me
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My daughters got a netbook and it's a right royal PITA when installing any software unless you have an external DVD player/recorder you can plug into it!
a mate of mine has a netbook and has to use a usb dvd drive which i dont like personally as its just another item of external stuff that has to sit on the table/desk etc, im much more of a fan of proper good old fashioned laptops and proper tower units.

Its called Hackintosh, been around for a while and lets just say its like sucking a sweet with the wrapper on :worship
I have no experience of a Hackintosh. I do have experience of Windows tho and I'd sooner suck a sweet with the wrapper on. :}

I disagreeApple TV is good if you are in the USA :Salute , it will get better over here

Timeport ? An old product or do you mean Time Capsule ?
AppleTV, er I don't live in the US so not sure how that makes up for it, and don't hold your breath it will never have the same functions due to content restrictions, and limited to 720p :red card which makes it pointless for HD, Ok it's only

I don't believe apple Market it as a NAS ? It's predominanly sold as a backup device for you mac with time machine!And on a 30 to 40 inch tv most folks would not see a difference between 720 and 1080 at a regular viewing distance
You are correct, they don't claim it to be NAS because it does not support shares, but it can be tricky explaining to a customer who bought one previously why this bit of kit does not support what they want to do in their newly integrated AV/network setup allowing only limited playback of their purchased content because Apple think they know better than the rest of the market.

I'd possibly agree on a 30", but remember to the septics 720p is a step up from 525, but to us from 625 it's not, if you were to stick a good quality bit of 1080p up after a bit of 720p customers can tell the difference. When I finish an install I make a point of showing customers the full potential of what they have bought, I've yet to have a negative reaction when comparing SD to TrueHD

IMHO spending even

Just so you know, the time capsule does support SMB (or mine does as i just tried it), although it may not of on earlier firmwares (dont know). It doesnt support NFS though. Its not for NAS though and there are far better things for NAS storage on the market like my Synology box.
Thanks useful to know, are you able to see that share from a Windoze PC or do you only have Apple kit

I recommend Synology on my installs, but can be a bit complicated for the the first time NAS user
