Why is my Display wider than my Screen? How do I corrrect it?

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Here is my actual tower too... It's an " Acer Aspire SA80-9B7Z "




  • Intel Pentium pr 4 524
  • 160 GB GATA
  • 1 GB DDR
  • DVD RW Dual, Double Layer
  • 56 K Modem
  • Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition



Since PC cables are colour coded, can you confirm if the monitor cable has blue ends (DB15 analogue) of white ends (DVi-D), as Ianmacd has mentioned it would appear that you have analogue

With analogue (blue) you need to establish the native resolution of the monitor, and ensure that you set the screen res to this for the best results, if the text and icons are too small you can change this within windows (ask and I'll dig out 'how to')

In the back of your manual it should have a list of resolutions, if you are lucky they will * the native resolution, as a 19" 16:9 I'd guess 1280x800, if you are sure this is 1024 then you would need 1024x576 (often TV products do not support a higher res as a PC monitor, as you don't need it for TV standards)

It's could be that you are using M$ drivers for the display adaptor, if possible try and locate the SiS 661FX/GX Mirage chipset drivers (based on screen print you loaded), might be these


As to the Auto button this alters the pixel phase & pixel shift, I could explain this but then I'd have to shoot you, but if you don't use the native resolution, the auto button may not provide good results, blurry text, thicker edge on some text compared to others

Since PC cables are colour coded, can you confirm if the monitor cable has blue ends (DB15 analogue) of white ends (DVi-D), as Ianmacd has mentioned it would appear that you have analogueWith analogue (blue) you need to establish the native resolution of the monitor, and ensure that you set the screen res to this for the best results, if the text and icons are too small you can change this within windows (ask and I'll dig out 'how to')

In the back of your manual it should have a list of resolutions, if you are lucky they will * the native resolution, as a 19" 16:9 I'd guess 1280x800, if you are sure this is 1024 then you would need 1024x576 (often TV products do not support a higher res as a PC monitor, as you don't need it for TV standards)

It's could be that you are using M$ drivers for the display adaptor, if possible try and locate the SiS 661FX/GX Mirage chipset drivers (based on screen print you loaded), might be these


As to the Auto button this alters the pixel phase & pixel shift, I could explain this but then I'd have to shoot you, but if you don't use the native resolution, the auto button may not provide good results, blurry text, thicker edge on some text compared to others
Thanks Robo,

I have to rush at present, But I really appreciate your Help. I have had a quick look at your post and some of it, is, as you say.

Below is the screenshot of that driver, and it is displaying as a CRT. Mt Monitor is an LCD - but it won't display that option.

Why is that, Please?


Thank You.

I will pop back on later.


CRT: that's a red herring, however 1024x768 is a 4:3 resolution, suggesting your PC is trying to sync a 4:3 mode into 16:9 display which will lead to overscan, e.g. the picture does not fit so the TV will try and compensate which is the likely reason you are losing the edges (although the pictures you posted of the screen output look fine to me?)

can you look at the display adaptor drivers 'Device Manager', and confirm if the driver is M$ own?, by Intel? or by SiS?. M$ will be generic and likely only support 4:3 aspect ratios (for clarity 1024/4=256, 3x256=768, so 16:9 is 1024/16=64 with 9x64=576)

Do you have the TV manual, is there a page with supported resolutions?, as I eluded to, with PC outputs into LCD screens you must stick to the native resolution of the panel, and particularly true with analogue as there is limited handshaking between the screen and PC (plug & play = plug & pray)

can you look at the display adaptor drivers 'Device Manager', and confirm if the driver is M$ own?, by Intel? or by SiS?. M$ will be generic and likely only support 4:3 aspect ratios (for clarity 1024/4=256, 3x256=768, so 16:9 is 1024/16=64 with 9x64=576)
Please see attachment for Screenshots.

Do you have the TV manual, is there a page with supported resolutions?, as I eluded to, with PC outputs into LCD screens you must stick to the native resolution of the panel, and particularly true with analogue as there is limited handshaking between the screen and PC (plug & play = plug & pray)
I don't Mate. I cannot recall the TV coming with a Manual - I have tried looking online - but there doesn't appear to be any. :(


OK that last screen dump, just confirmed that the onboard graphics chipset is made by SiS

I need to now what driver for this screen


3rd item down 'Display adaptors' and let me see what is driving the graphics chip set

Also right mouse click on desktop, select Settings tab, select Adaptor tab, click on List All Modes, see if you have either 1024x576 or 1280x720 as supported resolutions, if you only have 1024x768 and 1280x1024 then the you may have to consider putting a cheap graphics card that supports 16:9 to fully solve this (something like a ATI Radeon HD 4350)

BTW does your TV have an HDMI input?


You've got troubles....

Download "belarc" and send me the report directly and I'll be able to see what you've got configured.

Note - don't put the report up on the forum - it contains lots of useful hackers information

Admin....You've got troubles....

Download "belarc" and send me the report directly and I'll be able to see what you've got configured.

Note - don't put the report up on the forum - it contains lots of useful hackers information
Steve, Interesting bit of s/w although it does not appear to list hardware drivers and dll's installed so not sure if it will add much at this point.

OK that last screen dump, just confirmed that the onboard graphics chipset is made by SiSI need to now what driver for this screen


3rd item down 'Display adaptors' and let me see what is driving the graphics chip set
Sorry it took so long. I have been editing, joining and resizing etc, so that all the info, fitted in one place (Pic) for you. :)


Also right mouse click on desktop, select Settings tab, select Adaptor tab, click on List All Modes, see if you have either 1024x576 or 1280x720 as supported resolutions, if you only have 1024x768 and 1280x1024 then the you may have to consider putting a cheap graphics card that supports 16:9 to fully solve this (something like a ATI Radeon HD 4350)


BTW does your TV have an HDMI input?
I haven't the foggiest. I will have a look and get back to you, on that one Mate.




OK you have a SiS driver installed and it appears to support 16:9 outputs

so in settings try 1024x576 and see what happens, is every part of the screen visible without clipping, if still seems blury try the auto button (it will fix the pixel phase), then try 1280x720 (this will likely not sync if the monitor does not support this res) if it does sync is the image clearer?

indulge me!
It's a useful program thanks for posting it!!

However it does not confirm what dll's or drivers versions are installed, so if you have a driver issue, this does not list them, unless I missed an hidden option

Problem with analogue visual issues it's often hard to diagnose remotely because it's often subjective, DVi-D or HDMI (derived from DVi spec) solves most of these

Another useful prog is Securia PSI

ok robojin thanks for the replies.

Not going to labour on too much but all I was trying to establish.........

I meant for admin to indulge me with a reply and a copy of the output directly.

This would then tell me exactly what hardware the computer is fitted with.

Not what the properties is set to!

That way you establish first if he's using the mother board chipset or a plug in board.

Then you establish the make and version of the board.

Then from this baseline start working out on the drivers.

Your approach is to look at the drivers and fix them.

They may be the wrong drivers for the hardware!

Belarc is a great program for confirming the remote configuration of a computer.

Establish this first before jumping in will save loads of work.

Plus looking at the number of posts and pictures (sorry admin) saves a lot of time in establishing what your trying to fix first!

Also another good program is : -

BurnInTest from PassMark Software

Does the same as belarc but this time has a burn in test for stressing PC's ensuring they don't crash!

Well that was the plan but they still do!

This program tells you all about the computer and then runs a series of tests and burnins to ensure the PC works OK.

Its a great program if you PC keeps failing intermittently.


After a few more exchanges, we've established that the on-board chip set supports 16:9 formats, by using multires.exe you can force the card to output one of these, but the screen only appears to support 4:3 format for PC input

Admin is sure that the screen looked better before an XP crash and rebuild, it's possible that a driver change may help, but I'd stick to 1024x768 as that's what the TV appears to be setup to work with, but would appear to be resizing to 16:9 hence missing edges of desktop


The old monitor above, has gone to Monitor heaven in the sky. It showed the screen very dimmly, then finally - It went black.

Mrs Admin went over to Tesco and bought a "TECHNIKA 19-208E".

The problem is, on the manual it says says to set the screen resolution to: what it displays toward to the rear of the User guide.

What it says is 1440 x 900 Pixels. There are TWO (2) problems with this...

1. It states that it MUST be set up using my old monitor first, before connecting the New "TECHNIKA 19-208E". - It is impossible for me to do this as my old one has broken.

2. The other problem is that I do not have the 1440 x 900 Pixels option on my PC.

Your Help Would be appreciated.


TECHNIKA 19-208E.jpg

It's a useful program thanks for posting it!!However it does not confirm what dll's or drivers versions are installed, so if you have a driver issue, this does not list them, unless I missed an hidden option

Problem with analogue visual issues it's often hard to diagnose remotely because it's often subjective, DVi-D or HDMI (derived from DVi spec) solves most of these

Another useful prog is Securia PSI
This also has the HDMI input.



Thanks Mate.

I have sorted it now - Thank You. :)

It is just the text is a little small - I will see what the Larger font one does, now. (Went too big the last time I did it. :(

Best Regards,


Perfect - Sorted. Thank You. :Applaud :Salute
