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  1. B

    Architects specifications

    Thanks folks, I have sometimes found if you try to explain that the architects 'vision' is unneccessary, the potential client thinks you are trying to cut corners!! And thats the last you hear of them. Peeves me that the architects view can set a precedent. A joiner I know says just throw in...
  2. B

    Architects specifications

    Hello, I have been away for a week, but now back ohms so been looking at all posts I may have missed in the interim. I was reading the 'Oddball Spec' post by Evans Electrical (very entertaining!!) and it got me thinking. I had to recently price a rewire for a
  3. B

    meggar mft fault

    There you go Ian ;) You went above and beyond your duty with your help! Well Done mate!! :)
  4. B

    van racking/cable

    Will do, may take a while though!!
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    van racking/cable

    I have the same prob Mr B. Just got a new van myself, and not sorted this issue out yet. I did notice in Pee and Poo that they sell metal table legs. I was thinking I may get 4 or 5 of them and attach to a bit of wood at a slight angle to put reels on. Each leg would fit 2 reels of 2.5mm on...
  6. B

    Fein V. Bosch

    The 10.8 li ion batts are amazing in my opinion. I got a twin pack- Bosch blue impact driver and drill driver - around 4 months ago. Looked at the batts and thought they will be pants, too small too hold any decent power, how wrong I was!!
  7. B

    Fein V. Bosch

    Hiya folks, Looking at getting one of the oscillating multi tool jobbies from either fein or bosch. I personally prefer cordless and I have some 10.8 bosch batts which would fit in the bosch multi tool. Though you dont seem to be able to buy one naked anywhere...Does anyone know where I can get...
  8. B


    Hiram, the ESC guide that Andy links is a good read. I would recommend Its like the ESC guide but more in depth.
  9. B

    Screwfix 17th ed board

    It will be the same one I was looking at when I was waiting an eternity for them to pick 10 rolls of blue tape, which they managed to get wrong!! I never actually noticed it wasnt rcd'd. That is misleading, although if all ccts were not less than 50mm buried or in trunking or were not in kitchen...
  10. B

    2330 L3 fault finding board

    Hi Free, I would'nt worry about it too much. Getting stressed will make it harder! I did mine last year. Its straightforward enough if you're au fait with basic testing. Remember to work through the installation METHODICALLY. I prefer each cct in turn, some prefer IR testing each cct then Cont...
  11. B

    Screwfix 17th ed board

    Andy I read your original post and I thought that it made no sense! Now I see what you are getting at... The manufacturer (or screwfix) will say that you could fill it with RCBOs as their getout clause. Cheap board eh!?!!
  12. B

    Screwfix 17th ed board

    The Sunderland branch had one on display last week. It was dual 10way board but could be changed to incorporate high integrity (non rcd) ccts. Wylex I think.....may be wrong tho I think the term "17th ed board" is a msinomer, a bit like "part p qualified".
  13. B

    short circuit breaking capacity

    In an ideal world all the MCB's would be the same. However in the real world I would record the lowest value ie 4.5kA. Do you mean Schedule of TEST RESULTS??? I have never seen info such as this on a Schedule of INSPECTIONS. The Inspec's sheet is generally tick boxes only. Regards, Neil
  14. B

    Megger 1552 User Instructions

    Hi Sailor, Its very simple; just turn the main (left hand) dial anti-clockwise to the correct setting. For IR testing its generally 500V. Continuity is the first (or second) setting anticlockwise. Regards, Neil
  15. B

    Scottish Power RANT

    I feel for you mate. I have spent ages trying to get through to SP and Power Systems. Each time I actually spoke to someone I was told to phine a different number. They are a law to themselves. Thankfully I do not need to contact them often.
  16. B

    3036 fuses and PFC

    Maybe we all need to go on a C&G3036 course to identify them!! :^O :^O That would be mint; a cert in protective device identification! Its what I dream about!
  17. B

    screw fix cable

    I personally believe that all ducks, from mallard to ringed teals, are my chidren! They are all very special, and if you eat them you are a murderer/cannibal/general bad person! Please remember that female ducks are very good mothers (not like them ****e panda bear mams!), and you should...
  18. B

    3036 fuses and PFC

    Thanks Tesla, Hornet, Robo. The Volti link looks a good starting point and I have saved the doc to look at tomoro as its Friday nite and I want BEER!! Thanks again all for input Regards, Neil
  19. B

    3036 fuses and PFC

    Cheers Robojin. May have explained it badly. I realise S1A is 1kA etc....What I want to know is if you had a handful of 3036 fuses how can you tell which type they are?? I have never noticed anything on them to indicate a type. All they seem to have is the colour coding and current rating. Neil
  20. B

    3036 fuses and PFC

    Hi again Apache, I have put a bit on the introduce yaself section. Not much though mate!! Im not boring, honest!!