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Junior Member
Feb 13, 2009
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Having recently passed 2391 and carrying out pirs does anyone know of any list relating to coding defects. I know this could be quite large but this area can be grey sometimes.

Nicely done Andy! Between you and Apache there would appear to be no need for search engines. can you pair do a 24hr rota cover set up?Doc H.
just stuff i have came accross in the past. if someone asks, if i know it exists i can usually find it (and thats usually by using search engines!)

Good list now also in the 17th edition of guidance note 3 inspect & test.

Hiram, the ESC guide that Andy links is a good read. I would recommend like the ESC guide but more in depth.
Well wear my pants backward on my head while pogo stick dancing and slapping Deke with a wet haddock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Blushing:O:p:spam

how is it that WH-bloomin-SMITHS can sell a book cheaper than NICEIC to an NICEIC contractor from their own website??????

That just makes me glad I haven't bought a copy yet!:DPray

Nice link barbaricduckGuiness DrinkApplaud SmileyApplaud Smiley:x

I got a copy of that book from NICEIC, never did place the order for it & haven't paid for it either.

I got a copy of that book from NICEIC, never did place the order for it & haven't paid for it either.

ROBBER!! :eek: :_|

arrest that man ocifer... mr police constibule plectrum!!!Blushing

he will ave you banged up M107!!!! ]:) ; \ :p

Guiness DrinkGuiness Drink

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