Brexit Resolution?

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War wins nothing, merely destroys, economic attacks make more of a difference and lasting impact. 
This made me think of the footage we see from where the .....I forgotten what they are called .....  the mad Muslims who behead people in Syria  etc  .

Footage shows total devastation  ,  buildings  razed to the ground as far as the eye can see  and whats left of the population  , wandering , homeless , starving  & disease  ridden .  The country's  infrastructure  destroyed  ,  etc  .  What do they imagine they have achieved .       

Similar to Berlin after the allied bombing . 

We have dithered about too long over this, it's damaging British business with all the uncertainty, the majority voted leave, so we leave, I don't recall anything on the voting slip about hard Brexit, or soft Brexit, or any other options, it was in or out, as simple as that. The Brussels lot know full well what will happen when we leave, the whole EU thing will collapse into it's sinking pool of corruption, that's why they don't want us to go, it's not for our benefit, it's for theirs.
 the dithering is what is annoying me most, business, jobs and welath are already leaving to set up elsewhere in the EU. As for Brexit I voted leave assuming a deal would be done - common sense?   I don't think the EU is any more corrupt than our own country, like any large organisation it is inefficient and prone to getting fleeced by bull****ter large companies. Nor do I think it will collapse if we leave - I think many people in the UK have an islander mentallity, we are cut off by the English Channel and so don't / can't / haven't integrated as much as other countires. It's not like you can decide to drive over the border for a Sunday afternoon picnic in Germany when you live in the UK.

I do think the EU has appreciated what the UK has contibuted (not just the money) over decades, and we have done a lot European Court of Justice for one! 

Do me a favour Binky, take the rose tinted off before you post. Where do you get the EU has appreciated us not just the money? Let’s see, do they appreciate that we are one of the smallest countries in the EU when they decide how many people we should let in and I’m not talking about those who rightfully can come here under EU rules. Do they do as much for us as we give to them? I’ll accept that wales get a good proportion of the money only because in wales they like to put signs up on the roads where the EU is paying for it. 

Do they appreciate the way in which their rulings have had such a drastic impact on us, can pass wind without an EU legislation breach being thrown at you. Remember we didn’t need them in the first place nor their stupid half baked ideologies. We’d have been stronger now if we weren’t in the EU web for all these years. Our politicians have become putty for fear of upsetting Europe, in fact they spend more time dealing with Europe issues rather than our own countries issues probably why we are in such a mess. 

The sooner we get away from them the better for all of us, yes it’ll be tough for a time but it will make us stronger. Our only downfall is the youngsters of today have become so absorbed by the EU and what it allegedly offers - cheap holidays, easy travel, closer pen friends, cheap holidays that they don’t know what it is for us to stand on our own feet. 

So I dare say some bright eyed bushy tailed youngster who enters politics via their degree will in years to come put us right back into the pit. God help us and hear our pleas.

Do me a favour and get your facts right.

Who decided how many people could move here from the new EU  countries - our government not the EU. Why did they come here, coz our own feckless idiots don't want to work. 

As for EU rules, ever noticed how France and other countries ignore half of them, but not our government who seem to like imposing rules?

As for the UK being  a mess, totally agree, but that again is mostly down to our government again, the EU isn't stopping us from being 'Great Britain' . Not too surprising when most MPs are solicitor types, when was there last an Engineer MP - might get some common sense if we had more real sensible problem solvers in the cabinet? 

I am very much of the opinion that a right wing press just likes to scapegoat EU for all our problems, when in reality we **** on our own doorstep.

As for EU rules, ever noticed how France and other countries ignore half of them, but not our government who seem to like imposing rules?

I have to admire the French ........... if you want to go and work in France, you need to speak the language OR you pay for a translator. If you want to claim child benefit YOU have to pay for legal documents to be translated ............. then there are the employers who will always employ local people first..............................

As I said I wasn’t referring to those from the EU  countries that had the freedom of movement, I refer to the number of refugees and the like they so kindly tell us we should take and like lambs to the slaughter our government follows their command. 

I don’t dispute that our government is ultimately responsible for our country, I just find that soo much of our governments time is taken up by the EU bureaucrats. Almost as though they are deliberately trying to distract our government from running this country. Or am I just old and cynical, should I be embracing the whole EU concept with me being nearer to retirement than school? 

Interestingly ive just read an article involving a bunch of migrants rescued then taking over a ship when they realised it was going the ‘wrong’ way (facing away from Europe), anyhow this new Italian minister seems the part, refuses entry to ship saying the only way they’ll get to see Italy is either through binoculars or on a postcard. No there’s an attitude to behold. 

Italy and Spain have massive illegal migrant issues, had have had for decades. The EU has asked all EU counytries to help share the burden, think it was about 20,000. Have you looked t the immograntion figures for EU and Non-EU countries (ie mostly our ex-commonwealth) ??? Go have a look at those then tell me if you think what the EU has asked us to do is so terrible?  Separating economic migrants from genuine refugees is the real issue and stopping the contsant flow of people looking for a better life (can't blame them, but they can still sod off).

As for parliament, I don't really know how much time they spend on EU business, but since Brexit, its something like 90% - we have no 'captain at the rudder'.

As for old and cynical - just sound slike you've been reading / hearing far too juch right wing propaganda, hate mail, etc etc, Your bit about the pensioners is classic of the totally misleading B/S the promoters of hate like to put out - 'the guards bring prisoners snacks on demand'  total lettuced. I'm not far off retirement myself, a hard brexit will ruin the economy (when the TUC and CBI agree this, you have to listen coz they never agree about anything usually), and the last thing I need is a ruined economy firkin up my retirement plans. (s'funny how many of those who don't have to go out and earn a living voted leave). I'm guessing, like myself, you are sick of working harder, getting less, and watching fat cats get fatter, but the blame for that lies with our own government, not the EU, and ultimatley blame for the government we have lies wth us, because we voted for the gits (well not me I never vote Tory  :^O ) . The EU is just an easy target to scapeoat. 

I generally don’t read anything, haven’t bought a newspaper, or read a newspaper since 1997, got fed up reading utter garbage, after all a newspaper is rarely about facts just  the writers opinion which makes it gossip as far as I’m concerned. 

May catch the news on tv occasionally, only because you see the interview with the people that actually say it, therefore it can’t be disputed that it was actually said now whether what is said is true is a separate issue.

 Interestingly, caught a bit of question time last night and the ceo of next was on the panel, when asked about the brexit fiasco, he actually said that as a company brexit was not an issue, he quoted that they import from 30 countries but export to 70, he also actually stated that the British economy is at one of its strongest positions that its ever been, high employment, steady growth etc. 

So whilst we may be told to fear the worst should we leave the EU there is clearly a side that is not being brought to our attention, is that not propaganda from a negative twist that we are being fed then? 

The facts are simple, we the layman will never know the truth until many years have passed whether there is a substantial risk to leaving the EU, it is all just supposition based on someone else’s fears. What I do know is that regardless of the decision to leave and all the B/S that follows it we will still be here, getting on with our lives come what may, we may feel a pinch but as time goes by we will adapt and move on. 

Oh and too touch on the point of immigration, personally I am not against migration it is a natural phenomenon, nature tells us that, however as we are supposed to be the superior species on the planet, then why would you want to let all and sundry into your country, we are constantly told growing up that you are only as strong as your weakest team member, does that not apply to a population, an economic union? 

If people want to move then they really should consider what they are offering those they move to not what they expect from those. Sure everyone wants for a better life but just because you move to a better country doesn’t by default give you a better life, no you need to look at yourself and ask what am I doing to improve my life, no country can dictate your life they can try but ultimately you make your own choices. Every country has an economy, it’s up to you to put yourself in it. 

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Next don't manufacture anything in the UK, it's the manufacturing side of the economy that will suffer if there is any form of delays / tariffs imposed on supplies and distribution. Don't know of you have been watching any of the 'Inside the factory' programmes on the TV, but the one from the Burton on Trent brewery provides a very mute point. Beer cans turn up by lorry, are filled with beer and off on another lorry in under an hour, anything which affects the efficiency of operations like that will have a large impact on our countries earnings. I am particularly concerned about the car industry with regards to this who i will suspect just move ut en-mass.  Other parts of the busness world will no doubt thrive our of the EU, my concern is how we transistion. The world in changing, and so is the economy, we need to be investing in R&D to keep a competitive lead. I sometimes think the goverment should offer tax incentives to reduce off-shoring profits in return for investing in the UK - tax raised would probably increase as it would be paid via wages???

As for high employment, productivity has fallen, which means there may be many people in work, but they are earning low wages - lots of ex-council staff, and others, have gone self employed eaning enough to scrape a living. Noticed how many dog-walkers there seems to be now? What this does show is that there are lots of motivated hard working people in the UK.

I did look at net migration figures since 1982, it stands at 2 million people, which is roughly 8-10 cities the size of Plymouth - and we wonder why we are short of houses, infrastruture can't cope etc etc. I too don't really give a damn about the colour, creed or religion of the immigrant community, but I do object to being over populated! We have in the past accepted a lot of refugees, such as Jews fleeing the Nazis, one of which formed Odeon cinemas as a way of saying thank you to the British people, and were would we be without M&S?  So it' not like immigration is a bad thing ( my own family is Catholic Irish on my mothers side)  But I do liken it as buying a house in a posh area and inviting the local run down council estate to move in - you just wouldn't do it!  This is where foreign aid should be used - give people a reason to stay in their own countires. 

I've just linked into Bernie Saunders on Facebook, mostly out of interest. He has some very interesting posts

Ok, so I admit to feeling pee'd off over the seemingly unending flow of migrants into this country, and it needs to stop. We have enough criminals of our own without importing them as well, look at a lot of the crime these days, it's committed by Eastern Europeans, and others who have come to our shores, why it's so bad in London that  the Met police even have a unit that was specifically set up to deal with the Eastern Europeans who were committing cash point fraud.

There appears to be no checks whatsoever on who we allow in, there was a high profile murder case the murderer was a Polish national who'd actually served time in a Polish prison for a murder previously, yet he was still allowed into this country, and that's before we even start with the illegals!

Other countries are far more selective over who they let in, I remember many years ago, we were all planning on going to live in America, however my brother-in-law was denied an entry visa because when he was about 17 he'd been fined for possession of cannabis, it was only a tiny amount, for personal use, however that conviction was enough to prevent him living in the States. Over here we welcome murderers, rapists, paedophiles, it's almost a prerequisite that you have a criminal background to come here.

As for foreign aid, well that should be stopped immediately, we give aid to India, quite a lump in fact, yet they have a foreign aid program, and a space program, so obviously they don't need our money. Africa, well they've been getting aid for so long they now regard it as part of their annual income! How the hell can we give large amounts of money to other countries and try to pretend we're the big I am, when our health service is in meltdown, we have homeless living on the streets, we have food banks and old people who, in winter struggle to heat their homes. It's time we had a government with a set balls, who'd stand up and admit to the public what most of the public already know, our country is on it's knees, increasing taxation isn't the answer, people are already paying enough out and getting very little for it, you only have to turn around twice and you find your retirement date has been extended again. You can only take so much off people before they have had enough, and all this carp about how we need to increase taxes and cut services because we are short of money, then in the next breath announce we're giving millions in aid to another country is farcical.

For god's sake it's time we had leaders with a backbone, somebody to stand up and say "yes, we've given aid to other countries for years, but now we're skint so we're stopping the aid because we need to look after our own people.

Sorry for the rant guys, it's been a long week and I'm absolutely sick of hearing about Brexit non stop, they need to shut up about it until they've got something useful to tell us, hells teeth, there's people on the Jeremy Kyle show that talk more sense than these idiots in government at the moment!

Ok, so I admit to feeling pee'd off over the seemingly unending flow of migrants into this country, and it needs to stop. We have enough criminals of our own without importing them as well, look at a lot of the crime these days, it's committed by Eastern Europeans, and others who have come to our shores, why it's so bad in London that  the Met police even have a unit that was specifically set up to deal with the Eastern Europeans who were committing cash point fraud.

it's only  a small percantage that are ciminals - they do seem to be nasty bastards though. Again cutting Police and immigartion staff...

As for foreign aid, well that should be stopped immediately, we give aid to India, quite a lump in fact, yet they have a foreign aid program, and a space program, so obviously they don't need our money. Africa, well they've been getting aid for so long they now regard it as part of their annual income! How the hell can we give large amounts of money to other countries and try to pretend we're the big I am, when our health service is in meltdown, we have homeless living on the streets, we have food banks and old people who, in winter struggle to heat their homes. It's time we had a government with a set balls, who'd stand up and admit to the public what most of the public already know, our country is on it's knees, increasing taxation isn't the answer, people are already paying enough out and getting very little for it, you only have to turn around twice and you find your retirement date has been extended again. You can only take so much off people before they have had enough, and all this carp about how we need to increase taxes and cut services because we are short of money, then in the next breath announce we're giving millions in aid to another country is farcical.

For god's sake it's time we had leaders with a backbone, somebody to stand up and say "yes, we've given aid to other countries for years, but now we're skint so we're stopping the aid because we need to look after our own people.

I don't understand aid to China and India, who have just sent a missle into space to blow up a satellite (that will help the space juck problem!) Any country that can afford to do such things does not need our aid. As for Africa, far too much money gets pilferred. I am, however , quite happy to help the victims of the latest cyclone - that's about human compassion. Not sure how our foreign aid policy works these days, but in the past it was a way of generating business, ie supply a country Massey Ferguson tractors, and they have to come back for the spares. But as we make little these days...

Taxation doesn't actually need to be raised, what he government needs to do is collect what is actually owed - short by about £19 billion a year (official figures), not including tax avoided by off-shoring profits, a major loophole that needs shutting down, yet no government seems keen to tackle for some reason (party sponsors perhaps???). We also need to develop a taxation strategy for the likes of Uber and Amazon who turn over shed loads of money in the UK but pay bugger all tax - they just strip money out of the UK.

The other major point we need to do something about is making white working / middle class men feel good about themselves and being citizens of this great country. Sort that out, and we sort out so much of the hate crime and resentment that seems to be perculating through society. Don't ask me how, I have no answer to that one! 

Have to say Binks that a very fair comment which I’d have to agree with. 
I have to agree also, there's only one thing stopping the proper collection of taxes, corruption! If you or I owed a small amount, say a couple of grand, they'd be all over us threatening us with taking our homes, cars, or whatever they could, if one of these big companies owes millions, or even worse avoids paying it they go all soft on them, probably because they have friends in high places.

My old fella worked all of his life until he was forced to pack in due to having Reynards disease, as well as other health problems, he then cared for my stepmother who had MS, now in his mid 70's he struggles to keep going on a pathetically small sum, the biggest kick was his pension from when he worked at a hospital, he gets around 40 a month off this pension and because of this he loses about £150 a month in housing benefit.

I'm not particularly wealthy myself, but a couple of years ago his cooker packed in and he couldn't afford another one, I didn't have a lot of savings, but I used what I had to replace his cooker and a few other small items. Here's a man who has worked and paid his dues, yet in his twilight years is struggling, yet look at those who just turn up here and they get everything they want, and a bag to put it in. They talk about people being short of contributions and this will affect their pension, well maybe it would for me and you, but you can be sure of one thing, if an immigrant comes here aged say 30 and does work, then when they retire they'll be, in theory about 14 years short on their NI contributions towards their pension, you can bet your life they'll still draw a full state pension though!

How can anyone feel good about themselves or feel a sense of pride or love for their country when you struggle to exist day to day even though you work  and you see people who come here, as my mum used to say, 'on the banana boat' and get everything they want!

If I was to win a large sum on the lottery then the first thing I'd do is leave this corrupt rathole, Britain isn't just broken, it's destroyed and yet we still get idiots in parliament who carry on as though nothing is wrong, well it probably isn't in their world. I was watching the PM leave Downing St the other day, a large Bentley, several unmarked cars and a couple of Met Range Rovers, all on blue lights and all to take the silly cow back home. Now in the real world you are very lucky to see a police car, and as for a bobby on the beat, well you've more chance of finding rocking horse droppings. I've been doing a bit of driving lately and one day covered about a hundred and fifty miles and didn't see one cop car. Years ago we used to see coppers patrolling our estate, I knew several of them, they'd even stop for a chat and a coffee, now the coppers we do get come from Liverpool, they don't know the area, or who the local villains are, so what good is that? 

Small people are always easier to target for tax, large coporations can tie the Revune in knots for years with massive legal bills - not so much corruption as muscle.

I am encouraging my son to move abroad where life seems better, houses are affordable, wages and conditions are better and hopefully somehwere we can move to following in his wake. I am also in the process of applying for an Irish passport so I can maintain EU access.

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Small people are always easier to target for tax, large coporations can tie the Revune in knots for years with massive legal bills - not so much corruption as muscle.

I am encouraging my son to move abroad where life seems better, houses are affordable, wages and conditions are better and hopefully somehwere we can move to following in his wake. I am also in the process of applying for an Irish passport so I can maintain EU access.
Yes, and then they claim back the money they've spent trying to avoid paying tax, as a legitimate expense. I remember my ex brother in law, he ran a small haulage business, the taxman came after him saying he'd underpaid by £5k, he knew he hadn't but well you know what they are like, so, his accountant told him to pay it and they'd argue it out later. He did pay it, and about a year later they wrote to him, they'd made an error and he hadn't owed them the money, so they were returning it. They sent him a cheque for his £5k, no interest was paid on it, even though he'd lost interest by it not being in the bank. They don't pay you interest but if you owe them they charge you a ridiculous amount per day.
