Can a non time served (short course) person call themselves an Electrician

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Back to post #1. Only a JIB time served apprentice can call themselves an 'Approved electrician'
I disagree,

only a JIB time served apprentice can call themselves 'a JIB Approved Electrician'

we are back to the old 'whats in a name game?

Steps,I think you have missed my point mate, or perhaps not.

Take SafeDepth, he was a "spark" in a different field, so he was not learning from scratch, he had a good level of engineering knowledge, much of which would not be taught on a modern apprenticeship & 2330, however, it would be relevant.

The 5W Courses were never meant to make a spark in 5 weeks, they were meant to re-skill existing qualified people in associated areas, or those who had been doing the job for years with no qualifications.

The 5WW courses were never designed to "make" a spark out of someone with no associated knowledge, skills, experience and qualifications in 5 weeks.

e.g. your accountant or chef.

They were designed for say a control systems spark who had not done any domestic since his apprenticeship 20 years ago, or a "mate" who had been working as a spark for 20 years with no formal qualifications.

It is the system, not the individual that is at fault, really, just like Part P!
I have it exactly SW, and I did say I wasnt directing at safedepth, but he did seem to be the one standing,

yes, I could be seen to fall into doing a few C&Gs myself as quite a few of mine were done overseas and did not transcribe,

in fact when I done my 2391 (prior to coming back to the UK) I held only a previous 15th, the tutor even questioned me on why they had accepted me on the course, he couldnt believe that someone without the 16th was even allowed to take the course, how times change. but when I explained the circumstances he had no issue with me, just with why C&G had even permitted me to enrol, perhaps times dont change that much if you are paying cold hard cash.?

and yes, a definate background should be required, but anyone can do a course, dont you think some of the people doing these courses should have more intelligence if they really think 5 weeks at school will turn them into overnight(sic) electricians?

I have met a few 5WW that are very competent, but the few I have met have came from a relevant background,

in fact, at least one of them has probably downgraded his skills and knowledge base [massively] by becoming an "electrical installer" ;)

I have only kept my JIB card up to date to enable me to get a CRB check if required through them.

As, it is difficult to get a CRB check on yourself!

I've got,

C&G 2360 Pt1+2

16TH,17TH Edition

C&G 2391

No NVQ so just call me a PARKY.

Knowing I'll be shot down here but here goes ...... I am time served for four years and have 2391 and am an approved contractor due to the amount of 5ww I have now had to do my gas training as a 12 week wonder, well cant bes them join them!!!!! My god the gas trade have it stitched up, portfolio's sign off by gas safe registered engineers no bull s*** about what you have done what you haven't done no portfolio no exam!! Then once one exam done acs exams full practical sand written. My opinion yeah let tom dick and Harry do electrical exams but MAKE THEM DO A PORTFOLIO and have an approved contractor sign them off ONLY WHEN THEY ARE SUITABLE TO DO THE WORK. Part P has failed and failed us TIME SERVED electricians tighten it up or forget it!!!!!! P.s the Niceic has s*** on its approved contractors in my opinion letting anyone be a domestic installer!!! Rant over

Welcome to the forum powerandwarmth, looks like you will fit right in! Good rants clear the air and gives us all food for thought.

I havn't renewed my JIB card this time and I don't have a NVQ . Am I no longer an electrician. ?My brother has a PhD .. does that count ? :|
Although you have not renewed, you will still be on their registered database.

I had not held a JIB card for years, then about 5 years ago I thought I would have one again and use it for ID, I was told I had to do safety exam, which I did, got me card with Photo and JIB Approved Electrician and NICEIC Approved Contractor, thought that was a good move until 2 years later I was sent a letter saying card was about to expire and I needed to take safety exam again - well b******s to that, did not bother.

No the Rev just says the lord looks after his safety.
That reminds me of the Priest that married Mrs Noz and I,,, at the do he was drinking with the FIL and when he was leaving to drive home he was asked if he'd be ok driving... His reply was that the lord would make sure that he got home ok :shakehead

The next day before we left the hotel a load of us were about, some wanted a drink but couldn't as they had none left.... That's the Irish for you;)

Although you have not renewed, you will still be on their registered database.I had not held a JIB card for years, then about 5 years ago I thought I would have one again and use it for ID, I was told I had to do safety exam, which I did, got me card with Photo and JIB Approved Electrician and NICEIC Approved Contractor, thought that was a good move until 2 years later I was sent a letter saying card was about to expire and I needed to take safety exam again - well b******s to that, did not bother.
I used it as ID also , quite useful. Still do lthough it expired in Jan.

I have an original cardboard one which I could post a pic of later , think it was countersigned by Michael Faraday.

I used it as ID also , quite useful. Still do lthough it expired in Jan. I have an original cardboard one which I could post a pic of later , think it was countersigned by Michael Faraday.
So you are not a Tesla babe?

Apparently if you can solve the mystery of how to use Tesla's generator you could make a fortune, but I suspect it is along the same vein as the Lock Ness monster and alien abductions.


No not a Tesla Babe. I blanked my address out to stop Steptoe coming round to borrow money and blanked my NI number to stop Canoey trying to claim benefit with it .

I will tell you something, its amazing when you see something like that and realize that at the time that was issued I was only 11 years old.
