Can a non time served (short course) person call themselves an Electrician

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I'm suprised that I didn't get an infraction for that;) ;) ; )
You have to break forum rules for that, calling me does not break forum rules, just makes me want to squeeze my stress ball.


I will tell you something, its amazing when you see something like that and realize that at the time that was issued I was only 11 years old.
So was I . :innocent

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 22:08 ---------- Previous post was made at 22:06 ----------

Deke this is frightening you posted that in a few minutes I take it Brian's been taking a few things to speed things up.
Not Brian , Batts, Photofluket have made it simpler also I'm a computer whizzo and top IT afficianado ...I just pretend to know sod all .

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I know I should not, but this is one topic I am really glad has gone off thread. One thing I know is that it matters not how you got here, but how you conduct yourselves,and one thing I have learned is that electricians whilst always thinking they are better than others always stick together, and have a wicked sense of humour.

Not here , he goes over to Spec's Friday nights for the weekend , gives me a break from the little basket !!!
The little sod was late getting here.....

So the dinner I had waiting in the oven for him was ruined..

And he said he went to the pictures at Merry Hill on the way over here, to watch Men In Black3..

so he has spent his bus fare back to your place..... which means I have got to subsidies his commuting costs again!!! X(


High Chaps I am new here but I found this thread interesting especially this post below.

Knowing I'll be shot down here but here goes ...... I am time served for four years and have 2391 and am an approved contractor due to the amount of 5ww I have now had to do my gas training as a 12 week wonder, well cant bes them join them!!!!! My god the gas trade have it stitched up, portfolio's sign off by gas safe registered engineers no bull s*** about what you have done what you haven't done no portfolio no exam!! Then once one exam done acs exams full practical sand written. My opinion yeah let tom dick and Harry do electrical exams but MAKE THEM DO A PORTFOLIO and have an approved contractor sign them off ONLY WHEN THEY ARE SUITABLE TO DO THE WORK. Part P has failed and failed us TIME SERVED electricians tighten it up or forget it!!!!!! P.s the Niceic has s*** on its approved contractors in my opinion letting anyone be a domestic installer!!! Rant over
I am a Gas Safe registered engineer and I think the way we do it is better with our portfolio system and we all HAVE to belong to the gas safe register to work but it seems that their are numerous bodies that you can belong to and work legally....................... I won't pass comment on being a 12WW as I know what you will have done to pass so you will be safe the rest will come with experience....... Now were do I sign up to become a 5WW.

Legislation and Competency.

We have had various debates on the forum over the past years, and some very good debates have ensued.

Competency is often thought of as proven by your ability to do the work you

Hi All

Does anybody have any statistics regarding incompetence and prosecutions ?


How many electrical trades people regardless of specialism have been prosecuted successfully and deemed incompetent by a court?

How many people have been caught, prosecuted and fined for removing a DNO tag?

Im not sure this info is even accessible but I am interested to know the numbers thanks again

That would be interesting Smiley.

I remember a case of a bloke in Wolverhampton who was ordered by the court to stop practicing as an electrician , ( he was ripping people off and was not a Sparks) He was eventually jailed IIRC but more for disobeying the court's orders I think.

A heating guy got 7 years (think it was reduced) The case was followed in the PE magazine . I can't remember if there was a fatality involved TBH. From what I could gather he was a plumber who wired his own heating jobs. He had been connecting a certain controller for some years and the mains were on the left , L-N-E .

The controller was redesigned , the terminals on the left became E-N-L , he connected it in poor light ,didn't use a handlamp, connected his L to the E and created live pipework I believe.

He was deemed negligent for not using a temporary light I think .

As far as we know, regarding Part P and competance , there have been only the original two cases which were publicised in the trade press. One in the North East ,one in Bath was it ???

Those are the first i have heard of Deke-There are lots of rules and laws and no doubt loads of people breaking them but no punishments! I had been told by someone who worked for a DNO Quite a while back that one of their jobs was to write letters to people who removed cut out tags- To his memory not one person had ever been prosecuted.

Hopefully some other forumites know of others Deke

I can understand it if someone cuts the seal so they can pull the fuse in order to disconnect and then by-pass the meter, which I have seen in a few council homes where they have streets for the non working community.

Removing for safety reasons is a different matter, and a quick call to let them know usually sorts it out.

Don't know about other areas but ours gave out blue plastic seals years ago and I still have about 200 left.
