Changes to JIB Approved Electrician Grading?

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Senior Member
Feb 25, 2009
Reaction score
Derry, Ireland
The requirements for JIB Approved Electrician Grading used to state that the applicant must have held JIB Electrician grading for two years, or be 22 years old, whichever is the sooner. The mention of attaining the age of 22 years appears to have disappeared. Does anyone know whether this still applies?

I know in Scotland (SJIB), there is another assessment to complete before you can be graded as an Approved Spark. It is called the ACA (advanced competence assessment). You used to have to do 2years field experience, complete a log book then the assessment.

However all that we need now is a Statement of excellence from your employer saying that you have the experience, then you can sit the ACA, no need for Log Book. England. Scotland

having a quick look I see we are different up here, just the usual. :D

I don't think there are many JIB sparks on the forum , Risteard, can I call you Risty, I keep my card running although self-employed. Try their website.Deke
No problem, you can call me that.

Their website appears to have a new description without the mention of 22 years of age, but it was still mentioned a couple of months back so was just curious whether they had changed it (and when, why) or whether just updating the site it was left out by mistake etc.

All I 've noticed is they have stopped putting your Nat.Ins. No. on the cards to prevent identity fraud.


Oh ! and the photo on mine seems to be looking younger every year !! :| ?:|
