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Scaredy cat™
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score

Has anyone ever not got work because they werent NIC as being registered with Elecsa. Will be joining one of them soon but dont really want to be forced into NIC as they are the most well known/publicised.

Any advice greatly appreciated.



You aren`t "forced" into any one in particular.

There`ve been a few threads on here, regarding this topic. Generally, if you only want domestic work, and don`t care about big contracts, or council work, go with anyone you want.

Most councils and private companies will specify NICEIC only. We`ve had the view that they "shouldn`t", as other providers are equal; but it comes down to the fact that, as customers, they can ask for anything they want. They *could* ask for contractors who have 2391 only, and be within their rights to do so.

Some peeps here HAVE lost jobs because they weren`t NIC - but others don`t care!

You pays your money & takes your choice mate.



agree with what KME has said. If someone asks for NIC you can ask why and is there a document to back this up. My local council went from telling the customer they had to use a NIC contractor to 'just get a certificate' once they were asked further questions.

Some councils and other organisations just don't seem to realise there's anyone else in the market except NIC. So sometimes their requirement is bourne out of ignorance.

Myself, no never not got work because of being ELECSA. In fact I've just got on the prefered supplier rosta for a national company who manages residential schemes. Reason is we have one here in Lutterworth and they need someone to fix their tripping street lighting. The residents committee met with a number of local firms, some weren't prepared to jump through the "hoops" to become prefered suppliers and some simply wanted to rip off the estate for a huge rewire. So it fell to me, and not an eyebrow raised that I'm with ELECSA rather than NIC. Simply down to talking knowledgably and sensibly about the problems they were having and how I'd go about fixing it, whilst recognising that fault finding across a 2/3 acre residential scheme can be somewhat open ended.

I have lost some commercial PIR testing jobs because the customer's insurance company would only accept NICEIC company. The rest of my commercial/industrial customers don't give a hoot about NIC.

One of the reasons that Niceic are specified is because they offer a warranty scheme that the others don't.

I'm not talking about the gov't required offer of a warranty before anyone jumps down my neck :)
