steady on now!Something we agree on.
(maybe not the climate change bit tho )
Fossil fuels cannot be the ultimate answer,
And for sure, EVs are nothing more than a whim, at best, atm.
It's very similar to the windmill con, tell me again what friend of a friend in parliament has a shitload of shares in wind farms,???
Just more snake oil lining someone's pocket
Don't get me wrong, windfarms do work, but in the UK they were/are being erected for all the wrong reasons, by the wrong people, and all for a big brown envelope.
Future tech is just that, for the future, and that may well be EVs, but not now, not until they can be manufactured at a reasonable carbon level, and charged fossil fuel free, and decent battery lifespan and range, none of this is achievable right now at a cost a normal person can afford, even reasonable affluent folks can't afford a decent EV outright, any idiot I know that has one is either on lease or tick, mostly lease, which isn't probably a bad idea as they will be worth less than my 15 yo van in 5 years.
I'll convince you of climate change one day
fact is money goes to money, that's life under a free market economy. Even my own little PV array is making me some dosh ( and I deserve it ) Its money that has also forced wind turbines off-shore, coz they dont want their view spoiling from their stately homes, costing us all a lot more money to build, a cost that will end up on your bills.
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