Header Picture.

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Sorry admin........Thought I'd walked onto the wrong boat (oops!)

Seriously, forget the Picture...

A nice worded logo, in a framework so to speak, will do nicely......

I would Ext. But I don't know anyone that could do it Mate.

I have spent the last three days sorting out that pic - had to buy FTP software too. :(

I would Ext. But I don't know anyone that could do it Mate.I have spent the last three days sorting out that pic - had to buy FTP software too. :(
Yes not easy...


Simple and effective is always a winner.................


For a minute there - I though that you were going to volunteer to do it Ext.

For a minute there - I though that you were going to volunteer to do it Ext.
AS I have time on my hands this week....... :_| :(

I'll pm a few ideas, if you don't mind hanging on a few days?


AS I have time on my hands this week....... :_| :( I'll pm a few ideas, if you don't mind hanging on a few days?

Sounds good to me Ext. I heard you can make Posh ones.


We're only allowed the light bulb header until 2009. Then the government phases out all non-cfl header photos! :^O

Looks to me like this is taking far too much effort, he he he. First mistake, you paid for ftp software. There is no need you can get loads of ftp progs for nowt.

Well i guess thats the only mistake. Anyhow, pop up a few more details and i will see what I can knock up. Is there anything in particular you want on it?

We're only allowed the light bulb header until 2009. Then the government phases out all non-cfl header photos! :^O
At this very moment he is sketchin up a low energy bulb!

but its one of them twisty spiral looking one's!! :eek:

it may turn out looking more like a Helter Skelter!! :^O :^O:^O:^O] :)

Looks to me like this is taking far too much effort, he he he. First mistake, you paid for ftp software. There is no need you can get loads of ftp progs for nowt. Well i guess thats the only mistake. Anyhow, pop up a few more details and i will see what I can knock up. Is there anything in particular you want on it?
Hi Barx.

The Smartftp was recommended to me as a great Free programme.

Have downloaded it etc - it stated that after supplying Millions of people World Wide for 10 years - it was no longer Free. As I had gone so far - I bought it. It wasn't overly expensive, and after getting some prctice in - I am getting used to it. :)

It is trial and error at the moment - I am just putting some up to see what the feedback is. The ones so far are made via a banner / logo maker.

I am in the prcess of making my own from scratch without the use of banner makers. :p



Well is this the one?Or just a temporary whilst other work in progress??

Oh by the way...

I think its good! :D :x :) :)
Thanks Mate - It's temporary - I am looking at the feedback. If it is good - I will have to keep plugging away to make a "Very Good" or "Excellent" one. :D :x

Thanks Mate - It's temporary - I am looking at the feedback. If it is good - I will have to keep plugging away to make a "Very Good" or "Excellent" one. :D :x
Could be a long wait then?? :eek: ; \ :^O :^O

I better put the kettle on..

and cook the Sunday roast..

and wash the car..

dig the vegetable patch..

wallpaper the spare bedroom..

then come back see how its going!!! ]:) ] :) ;) :^O :^O:^O:^O:^O:^O:x
