In loft contactor for shower

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Pick any make or model you like do a quick search for installation instructions see what they say. e.g. Mira Sport 9.0kw give us.  Note the wording of bullet point 6 under the section Electrical on page 2 which states local isolation must be provided. Whereas bullet point 7. says a 30ma RCD is only recommended.  The small drawing clearly shows a local isolation point separate from the CU.

Doc H.
How can a manufacturer of a shower unit dictate what a home owner does with there fixed installation?  Oh I cannot buy this shower because I need a switch within the bathroom.  Currently it is outside. Damn!

manufacturers instructions should guide you on how to install and use their equipment and all they should say is the installation must comply with BS7671. 

If the manufactures instructions say this and it is not required as in BS7671 then it should be disregarded. 

If ever there was a reg that could be disregarded it is this one in this situation.  Clearly having a switch outside rather than inside is not going to impact the safety of the installation at all. 

my only complaint about them... terminal screws angle. if its fitted up against a wall (with in / out on each side parallel to the wall), its a bit awkward trying to get the 2 screws in thats against the wall. but apart from that, best shower switch ive ever used...

What LeeSparkyKent said ^ .

I thought all this old b0770X about having to blindly follow manufacturers instrucions exactly had been taken too far before and AM3 has tried to clarify that we should actually use our own brain not follow lame instructions which are usually quite poor.

I personally think a switch outside the room is better away from the the steam.

Has anyone ever actually needed to isolate the shower while they are using it?

if shower was in a room next to cupboard with CU in the you may be right Lurch. However I wouldn't be happy with Neutral still connected whilst I changed a shower, Neuatral being considered a 'live' conductor or Line as they like to call it these days, hence on the cert I am currently vey bored writing, we have a box for line/line insulation test result.

I also once condemmed a shower isolator for being half way down the stairs, reachable by ladder - about as much use as a chocolate teapot

It's no different than if you had to change the isolator.  I normally pull the neutral from the busbar for the IR test anyway.  

And if I've not been offered a cuppa within 20 minutes of arriving "the main switch needs to be operated for safe isolation".

 No tea for me, no daytime tv for them :)

And if I've not been offered a cuppa within 20 minutes of arriving "the main switch needs to be operated for safe isolation".

 No tea for me, no daytime tv for them :)

its nice to be offered, but why should they anyway? do you expect them to make you some lunch too?

Tea allways arrives with biscuits on a plate up in these parts.   Or not at all.  Had one miserable git came into the kitchen while I was wroking in the kitchen, boiled the kettle, made ONE cup of tea and and took it away.  No more power gfor him......

I forgot to ask if he wanted to shut down the pooter before I flicked the big red switch.

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It's no different than if you had to change the isolator.  I normally pull the neutral from the busbar for the IR test anyway.  

And if I've not been offered a cuppa within 20 minutes of arriving "the main switch needs to be operated for safe isolation".

 No tea for me, no daytime tv for them :)
not normally standing in a 'special location' when doing the shower switch.

I've had customers make tea and sandwiches for half a dozen people whilst I was working in a kitchen once - wasn't impressed. On the other side of the equation I've had to date:-

too many teas and biscuits

a freshly baked choclate cake

full lunch - customer insisted on stopping work for some pasta and salad (salad wasn't appreciated LOL)

bacon butties - few and far inbetween bacon butties.

even paddler has been known to buy egg and bacon rolls at lunch time :eek:

Go to the point of being bored with the work and trying to extract bacon butties from customers..... it's more of a challenge :D

A woman phoned radio London once saying that when she had the builders in, she didn't want them standing round drinking tea all day, so she hid the kettle and when they arrived she made them tea out of the hot water tap, they declined any further offers and got the job done PDQ apparently.


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