Having worked in India and seen first hand the visible pollution at their coal plants, their use of very old 2 stroke bike engines and phutphut taxis etc etc I disagree lol.igh usage of electricity all fed by fossil fuels mainly coal.If you look at carbon per head of population, you get a very different picture. The likes of India is a much lower carbon footprint than ours. And if we all lived like the Yanks, we would need 3 planets.. This is one of the major arguments between developing countries and the Western world, why should they live in poverty when we can't get our own house in order?
One of my major quibbles with our own government is why they haven't insisted on carbon/ environmental standards for imported goods. If they had many years ago we might still have some industry left. Shipping is also a major carbon releasing industry.
Saudi Arabia is not idle though, they announced a few weeks ago that they have plans to plant 50 billion trees across the middle east, they have also been buying solar panel manufacturers and building large solar farms.