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Oct 22, 2010
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Home for the terminally bewildered, one step ahead
So, last Monday

first job....go and convert a light fitting to take a corridor dimming LED lamp ( KOSNIC )...slowly working my way through every fitting on this site. Job done 

phone rings....panic on a site 60 miles away. Had kitchen deep cleaned at weekend and now NO hot water in kitchen

pack tools up, pick up tool bag. Pick up baby steps ( well duck down to put them on my shoulder ) fibre glass 4-rungers 

felt something odd in my back

called home....had a couple of painkillers just in case

drove to site

reset RCD!......water had got into Spur for water heater

had lunch

came home via wholesalers

back twingeing a bit

woke up,in morning crippled, couldn't walk

paracetomol and ibuprofen all day didn't make any difference

my son took me to Docs on Weds....15 mins to get into his car

torn muscle in my back

prescribed ;



Omeprazole as the Naproxen can cause bleeding!

some weapons grade painkillers also

walking with two sticks

wife managed to borrow a high backed chair for me

just been outside for first time since Monday, apart from Doctors

took 45 mins to do a 7 minute walk around the block!

no work next week either I reckon AND a shopfit to start next Saturday 

and that is only the abridged "pleasant" version

so be warned.....it's NOT what you do it's the WAY that you do it 

unfortunately I didn't 

So it was bending and lifting ...so easy ,..specially at your age  :innocent   And mine .   

Years back now , a guy  subbing for us   leaned into the van  to lift something out ...back went ... a week in hospital and  3 weeks before gingerly returning . 

It was that long ago  , just thought ,   he said to me , " You'll like these books  Deke,    about a detective in Oxford called Morse.  "   Not even on TV  then. 

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Didn't even bend!......just  lowered shoulder BUT had tool bag in other hand

never had pain like it and as you know I have had a few fairly nasty operations over the last 6 years

got out of bed Thursday night and got stuck between bed and wall , on the knees, couldn't get up and after 20 minutes had to wake wife up which went down well at 0230

there is an unnatural amount of funeral adverts on daytime TV at present!

just saying

A big part of my early retirement was down to chronic back pain.

Pain killers just mask an underlying problem, they don’t cure it. The fact is they make matters worse as you think you can work through the pain.

Wait until your disc is so bad it affects you "downstairs". Don't know whether you're coming or going.....

Ask me how I know! :(

You won't want to hear this but WALKING is the only thing that keeps mine at bay long term. When it's been bad if I walk for long enough things seem to realign themselves. I guess I must have a weakness but walking exercises and tightens the muscles forming the internal "corset:.

I have had a lower back pain for a good few years. Various pain killers help but i dont like taking  them too much as they only mask the problem. 10 weeks ago i got sciatica which spread down my right leg, i still have a numb thigh  and right knee pain so at last i am being sent for a MRI scan. I also have been doing a 1 hour a week physio class and exercise which helps.

sport massage therapy certainly helps - stops everything around the affected area seizing up to protect the affected muscle.

S'funny my back just seized up about a week a go, wasn't even lifting anything heavy, just lent over a work bench slightly and stood up again straight. It sorted itself out after a day and a bit of heat spray. Aching quite  alot today but I spent yesterday replacing old under cupboard lights in a kitchen, so bent over, twisted and geanerally in a very uncomforatble position most of the day. 

When I was young I always thought that old people did yoga just to pass the time of day, I now realise that they do it to keep the joints supple!! :coat  
Well, apart from my other issue, I was perfectly fit for years until this happened. Last thing was a diving incident about 18 years ago.

seriously knocked me sideways. All my customers are very understanding at the moment but I don't know how much patience they have

hey ho

could be worse

could be outside in the rain wearing inappropriate clothing 
