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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
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The only job I have this week is to wire a shower for a plumber doing up a bathroom in a council owned , protected bungalow.

Plumber phoned this morning to say that the council in that area will not accept ELECSA registered electricians, only NICEIC !!


I'm not sure why the plumber thought he should phone the council first to 'check' whether Elecsa were alright?


Just do it and notify as per norm... let the council tell Elecsa to naff off and see what the response is! :D

I think it is absolute rubbish that Councils only accept NICEIC registered sparks.

A letter should be sent to all UK Councils explaining that there are more than part P Regulatory body. X(

Unfortunately you are all wrong. This along with insurance companies is the main reason we jumped ship from Elecsa to Niceic. In my case i owned a house which i let to the council. They threw back Elecsa installation certs and periodicals. Elecsa did write to them, but the reply back was something like, 'We as a council can ask for whoever we want to carry out work or reports, just like any private householder can. A few years ago a decision was made to only use and accept Niceic enrolled electricians for any properties that we have an interest in, either rented or owned by ourselves'.

The original post here was not about accepting only Niceic for Part P notifications, but for carrying out work on a council property.

'We as a council can ask for whoever we want to carry out work or reports, just like any private householder can. A few years ago a decision was made to only use and accept Niceic enrolled electricians for any properties that we have an interest in, either rented or owned by ourselves'.

Yeah, can you imagine the uproar though if they was to put something like "Whites Only / Blacks only need apply" :(

It's the same as saying *your colour* or *your religion*, although legal, is excluded.

I thought the world of closed shop practices (only this/members of this - Union can be hired) was done away with in the 70's.

You have the right to choose a particular company or 'body' to carry out work in your property, so does the council.

I am not saying that this is correct, but if enough people complain (like i did) then they might realise there is more out there.

As Slips had said... and we have discussed in the past..


from the original post..

doing up a bathroom in a council owned, protected bungalow
.The owner of anything decides who or what they want to do business with..

nothing to do with segregation or closed shops either..

It is just the buyers choice of preference for the supplier for some goods or services!


cannot insist that I should try using them for my food shopping,

I will pick and choose who I want..

I may stay with just one supplier or I may change its up to me the buyer to choose....

It is an equal playing field and the buyer chooses where to buy his products!

NOT the selling insisting you purchase from him!

You cannot insist any property owner purchases your installation services & skills.

'We as a council can ask for whoever we want to carry out work or reports, just like any private householder can. A few years ago a decision was made to only use and accept Niceic enrolled electricians for any properties that we have an interest in, either rented or owned by ourselves'.Yeah, can you imagine the uproar though if they was to put something like "Whites Only / Blacks only need apply" :(

It's the same as saying *your colour* or *your religion*, although legal, is excluded.

I thought the world of closed shop practices (only this/members of this - Union can be hired) was done away with in the 70's.
Nothing to do with it at all...

You seem to be getting confused between council owned properties and LABC part P acceptance...

LABC will accept ALL of the approved part P scheme providers certificates & notification etc..

But this is a Property owner selecting who they wish to use for having work done.

Same as a particular company may choose to purchase Vauxhall cars for their sales reps......

Ford, Citroen, Renault, Fiat etc.. etc.. cannot say you are being unfair.. you have got to use our cars for your sales reps! :|

And if you are a Ford franchised garage mechanic..

you cant moan because you want to repair that companies Vauxhall cars,

but they don't want you to!

This all makes me laugh that any council or other group thinks a NICEIC approved contractor is better than any other contractor . I have done work for a so called NICEIC approved contractor when I started. Some of there work had a lot to be desired and I personally think I do my work to a better standard than certain NICEIC approved contractors.


Is it coz I'zz white den ?

Just to clarify, the tenant is paying for the bathroom work to be carried out, she informed the council what she was doing and they came up with this . The plumber and tiler are acceptable but sparks must be NICEIC . So if all councils said this , NIC would have the monopoly of registered sparks and the others may as well chuck it in. Does this council not accept ELECSA/ ECA/ NAPPIT/ BS/ certs then from private work ?

I could have put some bread on the table this week but it looks like its going to some NIC guy now.

Deke (Leave the van in the garage then ! :(

This all makes me laugh that any council or other group thinks a NICEIC approved contractor is better than any other contractor . I have done work for a so called NICEIC approved contractor when I started. Some of there work had a lot to be desired and I personally think I do my work to a better standard than certain NICEIC approved contractors.Batty
This was a major point that almost stopped us from joining the Niceic. A company needs only one qualifying manager, He or she (ha ha) could have hundreds of men working for them, their work will never be checked. Napit seem to have a better idea, where all electricians have to have a minimum of the C&G 2391


I`m with Slipslap here. When we first went into business, we had to decide who to register with. Downsides to the NIC? Cost, level of interrogation and cost.. Upsides? They`re the most commonly known to Joe public (a la CORGI), and they are accepted by anybody.

So we joined. Yes, they`re strict. Yes, they`re expensive. BUT I do not get excluded from any contract because I`m not with napit/elecsa/bullpoo.

I`m garnering business from companies in England and Scotland, who don`t want to travel down here and do the work. How do they ALL find me? NICEIC approved contractor list.

I for one, will happily stay where I am. Cost? So what? Taxman is paying it, not you ( if you`re Self employed)!!!!!

Stop whining. You went with another provider because you thought the benefits outweighed the losses. Local authorities are one of the losses. Deal with it.

KME I went with another provider because I thought they were all equal as Competent Domestic Installer providers, as forced upon us by our not so competent government.

But there you go some are more equal than others. How would you feel if you were losing jobs because your customer suddenly found the ECA preferable to NICEIC.

BUT....I`m with Slipslap here. When we first went into business, we had to decide who to register with. Downsides to the NIC? Cost, level of interrogation and cost.. Upsides? They`re the most commonly known to Joe public (a la CORGI), and they are accepted by anybody.

So we joined. Yes, they`re strict. Yes, they`re expensive. BUT I do not get excluded from any contract because I`m not with napit/elecsa/bullpoo.

I`m garnering business from companies in England and Scotland, who don`t want to travel down here and do the work. How do they ALL find me? NICEIC approved contractor list.

I for one, will happily stay where I am. Cost? So what? Taxman is paying it, not you ( if you`re Self employed)!!!!!

Stop whining. You went with another provider because you thought the benefits outweighed the losses. Local authorities are one of the losses. Deal with it.
When I set up these were my thoughts aswell, to me they have a much higher profile than any of the other registration bodies and you won't be excluded from certain work types (LA's etc.). Ok so they are not the cheapest, but it's not much more. And I do not find the annual assesment that hard either, but maybe I just do a decent job and have an idea of the regs!! (I don't mean that I know them back to front, I don't) but I am yet to have a revisit!!!

KME I went with another provider because I thought they were all equal as Competent Domestic Installer providers, as forced upon us by our not so competent government.
They are all equal for Part P work, and all LABC's will accept them all..

but it is up to the customer to choose who they want and

this is a council landlord's choice NOT the LABC!

It just so happens this particular work is a shower..

but even if it was an extra socket in a bedroom (NON notifiable)

the council as a landlord will still choose the qualifications/bodies any contractor is a member of,

exactly as any private homeowner would..

But there you go some are more equal than others. How would you feel if you were losing jobs because your customer suddenly found the ECA preferable to NICEIC.
That is basic business.. you quote for jobs...

some you get some you don't! :(

people select on price, qualifications, location, reputation, approved trades bodies, time to complete work, availability etc.. etc...

we all loose jobs for many a combination of any of the above reasons. :|

Much like purchasers preferring the ole VHS tapes rather than Betamax!!! :|

Betamax manufactures cant force people not to use VHS...

customers choice!

That don't help you in this instance Deke:_|

but that is all just part of how business works...:|Guiness Drink

Wasn`t getting at you, Sandra. :(

But NIC is a common stipulation from commercial, and , in quite a few recent cases, domestic customers. You can argue till apache`s cows come home, but if that is what they want, and you aren`t it, you`ve lost the job. Competancy doesn`t come into this, neither do qualifications mate.

NIC are widely known and "recognised" as the "industry standard". Maybe wrongly - but they are. It is possible that some council, somewhere might accept only NAPIT electricians. If so, I won`t get any work there! Cie la vie!!

Just another after thought to this topic..

There is AFAIK absolutely nothing stopping any electrical contractor joining more than one Part P approved scheme provider.

Other than the depth of your own pockets and the thickness of your wallet.

join the lot if you want to! ALL bases covered!

but if not... select who you want to go with wisely. ;)
