Due to a cock up in China, I have received a batch of 25A Compacts instead of 10AsThe 10As are now on their way, but I want to move the 25As.
I have previously advocated 25A for radials using 2.5 T & E (under the right circumstances) and a few electricians have asked for them before. I have now some in stock and they may be slow movers, although I have sold 10% of my stock in the last few days, in place of 20As.
For those happy or willing to substitute 25A for 20A or 32A, I am selling them, not at £14.00 + VAT, but
£10.00 + VAT, LESS YOUR USUAL 5% or 10% DISCOUNT!!
At that price, it may even be worth carrying a few in stock, to replace a 32A in a "not-so-certain ring circuit", without overly de-rating the circuit. SBS Dave