testing to see if upstairs is leeching off my meter

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So what I'd need to do is work out which fuse the lighting's on, make sure nothing else is on it (I use that ceiling light maybe once a year for two minutes, I have a side lamp on permanently in the day, it has to do with my thyroid eye disease, long story), and take it out. No more heating upstairs. That sounds like a plan to me, any opinions from the team?
If it's an old rewirable fusebox then the fuse with a white dot on it is usually the lighting. Check the size of the fusewire while your there, it should be the thinnest possible.

Also if there is a white mat in the fuse holder don't pull it out or rub it! It'll be white asbestos! :eek:

I have three yellow dots, two white dots, and one black dot - what do they signify please?

Many thanks,


I have three yellow dots, two white dots, and one black dot - what do they signify please?Many thanks,

id see a doctor about that if i was you :^O

seriously though whats the amperage of the black one never even seen a black fuse colour b4 red and green is 30 + 40/45 respectfully but black :eek: :O:O

No need to remove it.

Should be embossed near the dot - should it not, Guys?

The rating of the fuse wire, as Admin has remarked, should be marked on the fuse holder.

I've not seen a 'black' re-wirable either!

However colours should be:

White - 5A

Grey - 10A

Blue - 15A

Yellow - 20A

Orange - 30A

Green - 45A

The yellows are indeed 20s, the whites are 5s and the black is 15. Maybe it just looks black because of the lighting in there.

BG tell me they're sending someone around to turn me off soon and are charging me for the visit. Obviously I won't be letting anyone in. They also say they'll be applying for a warrant for access if I don't let myself get cut off, costly for me, this, and I don't know if they can do this without me being allowed to attend the application and give my evidence. I've talked to environmental health and he's visiting this afternoon but he says it doesn't sound as if he can do much. Still, we'll see. The landlady is still away, it seems. This sounds unpleasant as I don't want a warrant being issued against me for something that has nothing to do with me :-(


Offer to pay an installment. Give a sob sob story. You do owe something anyhow. This normally gives you a bit of time
I'm actually several months ahead on the actual juice I know I've used because I paid two of their ludicrous bills. I've already told them in writing all about the problems with upstairs and BG are doing this on the basis of readings from a meter that they say themselves in writing is giving false readings. No court would ever allow it. However, they aren't going to have a proper court case, they'll just apply for a warrant for access and according to my brand new legal aid brief, they'll get it. They can do this, apparently. It seems legally they can make up any figure they want and then legally gain access to disconnect the supply when that made-up figure isn't paid. Interestingly they gave my account with them a new number. They refer to it on the phone as being a new account. I suspect this might be in order to hide from whatever judicial figure it is grants the warrant the true nature of the *debt* they're chasing. British Gas seems to be a very nasty company. Luckily I have details of the old account including a few screenshots of both accounts being live at once. I suppose I'd better get them printed off while I've still got any electricity :)


I'm actually several months ahead on the actual juice I know I've used because I paid two of their ludicrous bills. I've already told them in writing all about the problems with upstairs and BG are doing this on the basis of readings from a meter that they say themselves in writing is giving false readings. No court would ever allow it. However, they aren't going to have a proper court case, they'll just apply for a warrant for access and according to my brand new legal aid brief, they'll get it. They can do this, apparently. It seems legally they can make up any figure they want and then legally gain access to disconnect the supply when that made-up figure isn't paid. Interestingly they gave my account with them a new number. They refer to it on the phone as being a new account. I suspect this might be in order to hide from whatever judicial figure it is grants the warrant the true nature of the *debt* they're chasing. British Gas seems to be a very nasty company. Luckily I have details of the old account including a few screenshots of both accounts being live at once. I suppose I'd better get them printed off while I've still got any electricity :) BB
you could always swing the don a few quid, :D :D

PM me tho, I might have a solution.

Interesting Mr Steps. You have me in suspense now. :(


I'm thinking of purchasing the TV rights for this thread... :D ] :)
You better get your tender in quick... ; \

Cuz I've nearly got the publishing rights for a 5 volume hard back series of books with 'Harper Collins'... commencing June 2009.. thro 2013... JK Rowling watch out! :eek:

In fact I shall get my agent to contact the BBC now and pip you to the post on the TV rights as well if I'm fast enough! ; \ ]:) ] :)
