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Scaredy cat™
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score
Hi guys,

Just a reminder that its that time of year again. Pals van got done today outside house in main road between 8am and 10am broad daylight. Popped locks on side door and cleared all power tools. Nice area houses between £600k to £1.5m so not rough area either.

Just keep your eyes peeled peeps.


If you've got a transit make sure it's dead locked at all times. Very easy to get locks to all doors open if its not deadlocked. Scumbags the thieving ********!!!!

someone did try a few years back, soon as they started it sounded the alarm. they were wasting their time anyway - i had already removed the link from the keylock, so it woundnt have been any use even with the key

Plumber i work with got done outside a Tile  wholesaler about 2.0 clock. Its the 4th time now and they did not get in this time. He has aftermarket deadlocks but they still wrecked the handles on the side and back trying to get the barrels out. They then tried prying the side door deadlock open with a large screwdriver. The edge of the door & rear panel  is wrecked and the edges dented . Last time they put a crow bar in and bent the door out. Its cost him over a grand in his insurance claims. I think hes been targeted due to the 4 year old Toyota still having key barrels  and a large gap in the side door so the deadlock can be seen.

Ive always toyed with the idea of a domestic burglar alarm, with door contacts, key pad and bell box in the back of the van.  That would make a good ammount of noise!

Also, off the 12v switched contacts a relay that switches an inverter. releasing 240v down 2 chains dangling from the rear doors.  I've never gone through with it as I would probably forget it was set too many times.

Ive always toyed with the idea of a domestic burglar alarm, with door contacts, key pad and bell box in the back of the van.  That would make a good ammount of noise!

Also, off the 12v switched contacts a relay that switches an inverter. releasing 240v down 2 chains dangling from the rear doors.  I've never gone through with it as I would probably forget it was set too many times.
I would like my next vehicle to be fitted with flame throwers and rotating scythes that come out of the hubcaps when the alarm goes off

For when at home I am toying with the idea of a wireless detector in the vehicle linked to the house alarm system.  Seems feasible

I would like my next vehicle to be fitted with flame throwers and rotating scythes that come out of the hubcaps when the alarm goes off

For when at home I am toying with the idea of a wireless detector in the vehicle linked to the house alarm system.  Seems feasible
Im liking that idea,

why not go the whole hog and get a wireless receiver thingie to take into the job with you too,

someone must do something you could throw in your box and leave somewhere on the job you are working at, simply put a plug top on and plug it in,  :)

save it for xmas week,!  :D

there will be nowt on telly then anyway.

or, you could crack on with it and write me a guide so I can have mine working in 2 days instead of the 2 weeks its gonna take you,  :slap

Im liking that idea,

why not go the whole hog and get a wireless receiver thingie to take into the job with you too,

someone must do something you could throw in your box and leave somewhere on the job you are working at, simply put a plug top on and plug it in,  :)
IIRC you can get pager alarms (the fob makes a noise if the alarms triggered),,,,, or have I been dreaming again???

or what about a raspberry Pi using wifi    

now, who is gonna do that project?

imagine the possibilities, webcam and the works all beamed back to your house DVR via the internet on your phone,

I should patent that.  :D

Wish there was a system that would allow you to electrify just the door handles overnight.  That would soon stop them trying to nick stuff!

On the subject of alarms, when I was a lad and was more interested in tinkering with cars, I built my own alarm.

The one unique feature compared to off the shelf alarms, was the sounder was the loudest set of air horns I could find, mounted under the drivers seat.

The theory was the noise level inside would be physically painful.  It was all about making whoever was in the car want to get out pdq, rather than drawing attention to the fact the car is being tampered with.

It never did get broken into so it was never actually put to the test.
