Bathroom Underfloor Heating Part P?

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I was under the impression that being registered with a scam allowed you to notify and sign off the works on behalf of the home owner instead of them having to contact the LABC and get them to inspect the wiring at various stages then test & notify the work and charge something mad like £300+vat?!

What did we do before the Electric Police?

Switch it on and hope it doesn't go bang or do a full test and issue a certificate stating that all work complies with BS7671 etc. :C

its no different  if your a decent sparky except the scams get their cut for doing nothing....

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If I didn't offer the ability to do notifiable work it would cost me 10 x the stroma cost of £288 per year if not more

Just this week I have done 2 cu changes with additional work!

So, does anyone want to tell me what I said was that wasn't strictly true,?

I go to your house, change your CU, give you an EIC,  take some money from you,

What rule/reg/law have I contravened,?

Notifying to LABC under PartP is an added service, NOT a requirement of the electrician.

So, does anyone want to tell me what I said was that wasn't strictly true,?

I go to your house, change your CU, give you an EIC,  take some money from you,

What rule/reg/law have I contravened,?

Notifying to LABC under PartP is an added service, NOT a requirement of the electrician.
Under the latest version of part p it states that is the installers responsibility to notify.

With scam membership it takes about 2 minutes so hardly a time consuming activity.

Just saying.

Under the latest version of part p it states that is the installers responsibility to notify.

With scam membership it takes about 2 minutes so hardly a time consuming activity.

Just saying.
If you carry on reading the guidance about compliance you will get to the part which states that the person who may be served with an enforcement notice is the building owner, not any contractor who may or may not have done any notifiable work. Approved document P is just guidance about methods of compliance with Part P building regulations. It is not the Statutory document itself. I am not aware of any legal obligations for contractors to have to undertake responsibility for notifiable work, remember a homeowner still has the option to DIY with staged inspections by their LABC. The notification by a contractor is just an option they can offer if they are a member of one of the approved bodies, not an obligation that they have to offer. The cost to the electrician has no bearing on who the actual legal responsibly lies with for notifying work. Steptoes statement is factually correct.

Doc H.

I refuse to pay them, so just don't take on Notifiable work.

Not strictly true, they get their get their cut for doing nothing useful/constructive/positive.

If I didn't offer the ability to do notifiable work it would cost me 10 x the stroma cost of £288 per year if not more

Just this week I have done 2 cu changes with additional work!

just imagine the amount of work you'd get if you were registered with the NICEIC! :lol:
It does puzzle me that people cannot separate their anger at schemes with good business.  For years I was of the opinion of 'well who are they to tell me?'.  Then when I started getting bigger and the value of my contracts were getting bigger it was a simple business decision to sign up.  Since then I get the client involved with the NICEIC inspections and they lap it up.  More work coming in.  The NICEIC only want me for a half day assessment but I insist on a full day so we can chew the fat with our clients and the extra £220 is a no-brainer with what I will get back in order values more times over than I can calculate.  I use the scheme as much as they use me.  Everyone is a winner.

3 minors though in today's assessment - grrrrr 

Im surprised so many have not flicked through the 2013 Part-P document. It is a lot smaller.  The change of notifiable work was one of the emajor changes. Have people been notifying work that did not need it for the last 2 years.

I'm not knocking,anyone,that,is in,a scam, I'm thinking of joining myself 

Im just saying that notifying is not the responsibility of the electrician. 

Im surprised so many have not flicked through the 2013 Part-P document. It is a lot smaller.  The change of notifiable work was one of the emajor changes. Have people been notifying work that did not need it for the last 2 years.
I probably have Pewt,  or half the time I don't notify at all ......I just find the whole thing a load of b*******  ....ouch !!!! I've been censored !!!

Bloody newsletters with some bloke wittering on about metal consumer units and Oooh we're a different company now  " you 'll be pleased to know "  we are Shirtsure now ....oooo goody does that help me to put floodlights up outside the winter ... below zero temp.  while they have another meeting in a nice warm boardroom & waffle about how to alter the Regs so we all have buy yet another amended edition .

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If my situation were different I may have to look at joining a scam, but currently I have enough work with not taking notifiable works.

My point was there is more to a scheme than just Part P. You can use them just as much as they use you. Yeah you can join the like of Stroma and Napit but what does that say about your business?

that would depend what line of business your in?

Speak to old Doris: NIC what? Arseedee? part pee? you young people speak gobaldigoop.

speak to a manufacturer when one of their machines has broken down due to an electrical fault: I don't care who your registered with jus get here and fix it!

Then there's you essex...

I'm not sure what all these stickers do but the suits like em.

