If you carry on reading the guidance about compliance you will get to the part which states that the person who may be served with an enforcement notice is the building owner, not any contractor who may or may not have done any notifiable work. Approved document P is just guidance about methods of compliance with Part P building regulations. It is not the Statutory document itself. I am not aware of any legal obligations for contractors to have to undertake responsibility for notifiable work, remember a homeowner still has the option to DIY with staged inspections by their LABC. The notification by a contractor is just an option they can offer if they are a member of one of the approved bodies, not an obligation that they have to offer. The cost to the electrician has no bearing on who the actual legal responsibly lies with for notifying work. Steptoes statement is factually correct.
Doc H.
Under the latest version of Part P is does state, very clearly, how the INSTALLER (i.e. the spark) should notify.
Anyone failing to understand this is clearly not a professional.
Saw a recent CU change yesterday - no EIC, no Part P - but simply a £500.00 invoice as it the "cheapest" way to pay the bill. £500 FFS, for a £50 CU bundle and a days work!