Even though the shelf can be removed it doesn't majorly improve the access to the CU and the service head / meter that much and a cupboard with an approx size of 1000mm x 550mm x 700mm will not give enough working space for an electrician to complete a CU change with ease once you factor in the access for tools and test kitManaged to get pics showing access.
The shelf can easily be removed.
Whats your thoughts on swapping CU without cupboard disassembly?
View attachment 15904View attachment 15905
that reminds me of a job I once looked at, CU at the back of a kitchen cupboard. The customer had a new kitchen installed around the board, he was a college lecturer for the electrical courses...Managed to get pics showing access.
The shelf can easily be removed.
Whats your thoughts on swapping CU without cupboard disassembly?
View attachment 15904View attachment 15905
Unsatisfactory means a FAILed safety report.You are NOT assessing the installation to the latest version of the regs, nor their to gauge against building regs
if anything it’s a comment so the next spark knows where to find it
there is no such thing as an EICR “fail”
Since when, please enlighten usUnsatisfactory means a FAILed safety report.
If this were the case the Report would have pass/fail options, unsatisfactory refers to the installation.Unsatisfactory means a FAILed safety report.
Unsatisfactory means a FAILed safety report.
BS7671 is not an "Approved Code of Practice" an ACOP can only be issued by the HSE with consent of the "Secretary of State" as guidance to a "Statutory Instrument" it is just a reference document of guidance, if you can prove that you exceeded the requirements of the guidance then BS7671 would not apply.I suppose you treat non compliance with the regs as an illegal act when BS7671 is not a statutory instrument and therefore has no legal standing other than it being and Approved Code Of Practice that is referenced in any legal cases where the use of electricity is a factor
You clearly have a problem with the English language. If something is unsatisfactory it means it is unfit for purpose. In this case, not up to the requirements set by the regulations which in this case means it’s a failed report. So much unnecessary semantics on this platform. With PAT testing, its a fail or pass, they could have used satisfactory or unsatisfactory: same thing different words.No it doesn't - its either satisfactory or unsatisfactory
You clearly have a problem with the English language. If something is unsatisfactory it means it is unfit for purpose. In this case, not up to the requirements set by the regulations which in this case means it’s a failed report. So much unnecessary semantics on this platform. With PAT testing, its a fail or pass, they could have used satisfactory or unsatisfactory: same thing different words.
No the Report does not fail. Satisfactory or unsatisfactory refers to the installation and this is how it is worded.You clearly have a problem with the English language. If something is unsatisfactory it means it is unfit for purpose. In this case, not up to the requirements set by the regulations which in this case means it’s a failed report. So much unnecessary semantics on this platform. With PAT testing, its a fail or pass, they could have used satisfactory or unsatisfactory: same thing different words.
Not necessarily, I've tested many old electrical systems that are in good condition, safe to use, but are no where near being up to date, so lacking RCDs, wooden wylex boards, etc etc. If the homeowner is happy with a system like that, it's their choice to have it upgraded or not, despite an eicr full of codes, and observations. For rental purposes I would not consider such a system acceptable. It's a bit like owning. Morris Minor, it's your choice to drive an antique vehicle, but you wouldn't want to rent a vehicle like that for a family holiday. Possibly not the best analogy, but you get my drift.You clearly have a problem with the English language. If something is unsatisfactory it means it is unfit for purpose.
There are 2 possible outcomes for EICRs
What’s your issue?
I believe it is you that has the problem with the English language or to narrow it down the grammatical context when it comes to definition of the words in useYou clearly have a problem with the English language.
Further to your English language issues you clearly have a problem in the wider understanding of BS 7671 in it's current and previous versions and incarnations including when it was the IEE regsIf something is unsatisfactory it means it is unfit for purpose. In this case, not up to the requirements set by the regulations which in this case means it’s a failed report.
Some may call it a considered interpretation of what is intended by a specific regulation or a group of regulations to the less educated that may be deemed semanticsSo much unnecessary semantics on this platform.
ISITEE is a bit more clear cut you plug it into the tester and press the button wait for a short period and the meter tells you the outcome that assumes it has passed the visual inspection prior to being plugged into the tester the more complicated bit is defining what the retest period should be relative to the appliances use and abuse, with the EICR there is no clear pass / fail an installation could be ok for continued use as it still meets the requrements of the regs it was originally installed to although it may benefit from some updating to bring it up to the current regulations hence an unsatisfactory outcomeWith PAT testing, its a fail or pass, they could have used satisfactory or unsatisfactory: same thing different words.
There is no drama just plain old facts as stated in BS 7671 and GN3 with no mention of pass or fail only satisfactory or unsatisfactory is usedAll this drama over whether someone says a report has failed or is unsatisfactory! The levels of pedantry on this platform is ridiculous. Everyone in their right mind knows what is meant by unsatisfactory, satisfactory, passed and failed, especially in this context.
As usual I have to lay the blame for the use of words at the door of the people that compile and update BS7671
Pass and Fail should be the only options with EICR's IMHO