Does Anyone Know What Kind Of Heaters I Have?

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Feb 12, 2015
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I have a few storage heater like boxes around my apartment and was wondering what they actually are? As silly at it sounds, I'm not sure if they are storage heaters, or just electrical heaters that just blow out hot air. I have economy 7 with the off peak settings on the box, but the heaters them selves don't have any input/ output settings. The only settings i have are 3 dials. 

First dial is called functions with an icicle, moon and sun on (with icons that light up red under them). Second dial says temperature with numbers 1 - 9 on ( with a red light that says heat under it) and the third dial says econ control with -1o up to -9o on it. (tried to upload photos, but it wouldnt let me)

If anyone can shed any sort of light on this, I will be truly grateful :)



First dial probably....frost. Day. Night

Second dial. Probably amount of charge going into heater to warm up the internal bricks during cheap night time electric

Third dial. Probably opens a letterbox type affair in the heater. The bigger the hole the quicker the heat comes out

All this is supposition though

What make are the heaters?

You should be able to upload pics to somewhere like tinypics, then copy and paste the link with the img tags for forum use

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Yeah I thought it might be some sort of spam prevention. It's just I probably wouldn't use this forum much as I wouldn't really be abke to comment on other posts as I wouldn't be m help ha

Ah cool. I have the pictures ready too, thought I'd be all organised but no luck. Hopefully just in the morning I'll have a bit more luck

Picture 1 looks like a combined storage heater and convector heater. Are there two flex cables connecting into the heater?

Picture 2 looks like a simple convector heater, no way will that have storage bricks in it and hang on a wall.

Picture 3 is the immersion heater controller.  It normally heats the full tank overnight at the cheap rate. The clockwork boost dial is to give a boost at any time of day if you run out of hot water.

A picture of your consumer units and electricity meter might also be helpful.

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Picture one is just te top of picture two. There are two heaters with the same dials and digital screen, and 2 smaller ones without the digital screen. All connected with one cable going into the wall with an on/off switch.

And here is the picture of my electric meter.


Well they are definitely NOT storage heaters.

What's worrying is you appear to only have a single rate electricity meter, not even economy 10. So ALL the electricity you use is charged at the peak rate. So that makes a nonsense of having the timer.

Do i see another meter each side of that one? what are they for?

It's an apartment so ta all electric and no gas. It's bloody expensive as well to run. Way more expensive than any house I have lived in.

The others boxes are meters for the other apartments in the block, nothing to do with mine.

Pic 1 & 2 are a panel heater with thermostatic and time clock controls,,,, I fitted a 1.5kW one recently and it looked similar.

Pic 3 is a water heater control for economy 7 supplies,,,, it allows a boost in the day if you run out of hot water...... However as Dave says,,, you've not got an economy 7 supply so it'll be expensive to run
