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Oct 7, 2009
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I need to move a socket roughly 0.5m horizontally to the right, looking behind the accessory the cable runs directly up from the floor. Whats the best way of extending the cable? didn't really want to use a standard type junction box as they need to be accesable for maintainance (regs) and i would like to plaster over the existing hole. So is there any way of extending without completely rewiring?

do you lose the safe zone for the cable ????

if not then crimp and heat shrink,,,,and if you like a bit of capping to cover the joints

have you looked under the floor to see if you can pull the cable back down and send it back up to the new spot without extending?

thanks for the replies, yeah i have had a look under the floor boards and the cable is from the wrong direction and there is not much slack, typical.


I don't like crimping solid cores, have had to find too many faults with this method in the past...

Just IMHO.


Theroy,I don't like crimping solid cores, have had to find too many faults with this method in the past...

Just IMHO.

are you saying that when you have been fault finding the problems come from these crimped joints ???

Proper way to do it would be to pull cables back down joint under floor I use wagos in waterproof box and then take one cable to new position. You cannot plaster over existing socket without taking cables out because if you ever move people will not know there are cables there.


trouble is even if they were in a safe zone new occupants wouldnt know they were there !!!!!


I use Through Crimp Connectors and Heat shrink, and have Never had a problem with them.

OP. I use "Push-fits" from Ideal Industries with a Chocbox. (These are classed as a perminant Joint)

Bought some Wagos Recently - the ones with the levers. I thought they were Carp, so I threw them out. Ideal all the way for me.

is that the lever type of pushwire connections? just had a quick look on there site.

Thanks for the replys, I think i will do it as Batty described!!

My experience is different, however it is normally down to poor applications engineering of the wiring solutions.

IMHO crimps & solid conductors do not go.

There is insufficient deformation of the conductor to get adequate contact in the bore of the crimp.

Screwed connectors are not much better really due to all sorts of hysteresis issues, hot and cold flow deformation of conductors, which also has the same affects crimps on solid strands.

Now, the spring loaded Wago type connectors are another kettle of fish, I have used these for over 10 years possibly 15 and I have never come across a fault due to the design of the product.

All failures have been down to installation issues.

Bought some Wagos Recently - the ones with the levers. I thought they were Carp, so I threw them out. Ideal all the way for me.
Now this is interesting , Monday i recieved the free Wagobox sample and I was very impressed with box and connectors I recieved. Although I did find 1 of the lever cage clamps very stiff to move.
