How did you vote?

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How did you vote?

  • Remain

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • Leave

    Votes: 17 70.8%
  • Nothing

    Votes: 1 4.2%

  • Total voters
Personally I think MPs that constituents voted to leave will also vote to leave.  MPs who's constituents voted to stay will vote to stay.  This will mean a majority 'Out' vote in the HoP will happen.  If any MP voted the opposite way to the way the people who voted for them will not be an MP at the next GE.  
how will this give the out camp a majority, as all the votes were counted then lumped together, so a constitute could have a large majority to stay(2,000 to stay 1,000 to leave ) and an other a small majority to stay(50,001 to 50,000),and a third with a large leave (70,000 to 1,000) so that now is a large leave vote of  121,000 to stay 53,001, but in your world it would be 2 to 1 to stay Hope you are still awake after this post , and have not lost the will to live, :signthankspin:  

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I find it amazing that we all suddenly become politicians.

I am more of an historian than a politician, I remember things that people do and say and then without any amazement from myself retract under the lapse of time that they expect us uneducated northern brutes to forget.

The true joke if you can call it that is Nicola Sturgeon, she will not call another referendum on independence simply because she does not know that she would win. The turnout from Scotland was one of the lowest, you have to ask why? Well it was a loaded vote, if the working classes of Scotland voted with the UK (England) they would by default be supporting Westminster and that would leave a bitter taste in the mouths of the working classes of Scotland that have been ignored for so long by Westminster. They decided to stay at home, and the result was that the people that did turn out were probably relatives of Nicola Sturgeon.

There is a petition now with over 3 million signatures for another referendum, that is how sore the losers are. However another petition could be started to oppose the original and then we would be back at square one.

We are, or will be out of the EU. If we are not, then this country will only be regarded as a non democratic and therefore dictatorship country.

No political party would take that chance.

how will this give the out camp a majority, as all the votes were counted then lumped together, so a constitute could have a large majority to stay(2,000 to stay 1,000 to leave ) and an other a small majority to stay(50,001 to 50,000),and a third with a large leave (70,000 to 1,000) so that now is a large leave vote of  121,000 to stay 53,001, but in your world it would be 2 to 1 to stay Hope you are still awake after this post , and have not lost the will to live, :signthankspin:  

If the desicion to invoke Article 50 has to be taken by a House of Commons vote then this is a 1 vote for 1 MP thing. 

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surely EVERY MP should vote to leave,

as that is the will of the majority of the population, and the MPs are supposed to be our servants.

But they are voted in by their constituents. If the constituents that voted you in voted 60/40 to remain and you are there to serve them why would you vote out?  You are then not serving your constituents?  

That is what MP's do these days, they don't serve their electorate, they are only self-serving, didn't you know?

It also goes all the way to the top of the EU etc.

Call me a nutter but suspect it is a tongue in cheek poke at the petition to hold another EU referendum. 
