How did you vote?

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How did you vote?

  • Remain

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • Leave

    Votes: 17 70.8%
  • Nothing

    Votes: 1 4.2%

  • Total voters
if you look at the voting patterns, apart from London, the areas voting remain basically don't have immigration issues, and the areas most affected have the highest votes to leave.

thought it ws interesting the South Hams (south Devon) voted remain, guess where all the wealthy Londoners/ bankers etc etc retire to and have holiday homes...

Yes, the cardiff area in wales voted VERY heavily on favour of remain. Cardiff is also the home of the LARGEST SOMALI "COMMUNITY" OUTSIDE OF SOMALIA.....

They obviously voted to remain, as they all use the "human rights act" for their own purposes, namely, doing down the indigenous peoples and getting their own way...


Canoeboy said:
Yep, been there, house prices are not what the locals can afford due to being driven up by the rich holiday homes and Londoners.

London another remain, finance capital and full of bankers and such like.
Lambeth voted 80% to remain

I can't cross the road without being offered an overdraft, I would much rather be left a loan.

also i think any MP who wanted to do the opposite of what their people voted for should resign since they dont represent what the people want... imagine how many would suddenly be on the dole...

That map is wrong. Co antrim voted for a leave.

The national bbc are hanging around newry talking about the hard border and a risk to the peace process. That's a bit extreme i think.
Ye, its a bit of a hole talking bout if NI its a leave vote then they have to bring in border checkpoints,

FFS, when I was a lad and the UK/NI was in the EU there were checkpoints anyway, so its hardly an outvote that has suddenly made them necessary. 

I have publicly ridiculed Amber Rudd, a stuck up ***** that lies through her teeth and has said some very detrimental comments to her very own constituency.

She was a very virulent supporter of remain, and the most aggressive of any elected member.

She will however not resign, as she is above you and I, and in a position of aloofness we call elected members of parliament.

This vote is not like local elections, the people that voted to leave did not do so for economic reasons, or even immigration. They stood up and were counted for what we all are.

That is the most important part of this vote, we are the voice, we are the represented, we have for many years been force fed diatribe from our elected members. They should know better, but they have for many years carried on business as usual because the British public are weak spined people who do never question the stance that their local MP takes.

Your local MP is supposed to represent your community in parliament, in order that you have a say,for years local MP,s have said up yours I am on a career path that does not involve speaking to the common man. If I do, my career in politics will be short.

We, as normal people have very limited opportunities to have a say in how we are ruled. The result is that when given the chance, even those who normally stay on the fence jump one way or the other.

We have to remember that this was a close vote, 48% of the population voted to stay, their fears and reservations should be respected, though they are by experience bad losers. Let us who wanted democracy not fall into the trap of tick for tack.

Two vital representations have been announced today, one is that those who voted to leave would on reflection vote to remain. This is a myth, distributed by a losing side that would clutch to any straw that revealed itself.

The vote was won by the older generation in detriment to those who they leave behind. Another myth, many young people voted to leave, if only to excite change.

I actually see this vote as them and us, in that we who have nothing ,are ruled by those who have everything, I have spoken and they do not like the truth. Not only have they not known the truth but have systematically ignored it.

If you really believe that your local MP works for you, sign yourself into a self help group, or local mental support group. Your MP is a corrupt member speaking for you on the basis of self advancement.

Oliver Cromwell would go to war if faced with the current British politics. Parliament is full of disrespectful immoral people who would like you all to be just as you are IGNORANT.

I’ve just posted that on an international engineering site where the Americans are pontificating about the outcome.

I expect a negative rating from them unless the British contingent start fighting back.

I followed with this

"Your current president was threatening dire consequences if we leave, once the results were known “the special relationship will remain”.

The proof in the pudding will come when the other stronger EU economies start to leave. At least we don’t have to untangle ourselves from the Euro.

As for your possible future president and our possible future prime minister, they are both barking mad."

The most bizarre post I've ever had voted a "good answer" by the septics  :slap

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yep, whole thing is falling apart. clearest message yet that they are not doing what we want. id expect a lot of change in the next few months / years. maybe a government that actually does what we want?

labour will not fall apart... What you need to remember is this, the tory lot have hardly ANY members. When Mr Corbyn took over, the labour party GAINED more members than the tory lot have in total!!

Idiot mp's can do and think what they like, if they challenge Corbyn, the party members will simply dump them. They have seen what has happened to the EU and cameron this week already. I think these political types will suddenly wake up to the fact that THEY are not OUR masters... WE tell them what to do... It might be a steep learning curve for them, but they will soon learn.....

