How did you vote?

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How did you vote?

  • Remain

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • Leave

    Votes: 17 70.8%
  • Nothing

    Votes: 1 4.2%

  • Total voters
Farage is a proper tory prat, BUT without him, none of this would have happened. Cameron only offered a referendum as so many tory voters were defecting to ukip... Well done Nigel Farage!!!

[Err, cameron you ****; Who is a "swivel eyed loony now???]


What amazes me is how many of the "lower & working class" who were traditionally Labour voters are "defecting" over to UKIP.

Not sure if the reality has sunk in yet with some people.

Ha ha ha. Best thing ever!!! NOW our political masters have had a bit of a shock to the system... Cameron and the other **** thought they were lined up with cushy jobs in europe.. Welcome to the jobcentre boys!!!!! As for Kinnock and co, the king of nepotism, not so smug now are we???

Ha ha!!!! Last night represented a HUGE contraction of the political "industry" about time too. Welcome to "austerity" you tory *****..

As for the traitorous scottish, they voted to stay in for one reason only. IF they had got their independance, when the oil price dropped they would have been bankrupted if it were not for english money. They want to be in europe so that if the engilsh money dries up in future, they can go grovelling to europe and "do a greece" I would cut them off without a penny now..

The entire european lettuced will collapse now, and i for one could not be more pleased. It is like a reprieve from a death sentence.

How does it take 2 years to leave?? Just stop paying them [europe], deport the ones romanians and the like that should not be here, stop all the child benefit and tax credits being sent abroad for kids that are not even here and If jonny foreigner does not like it he can courgette off home, re-instate our territorial waters [200 miles] and sink any spanish trawlers that come into them. If we can sink the belgrano, who cares about a trawler. Bring back the "cod wars"

We are free!!!!!!!!!!


How would you separate the Romanians that should be here and those that should not?

What amazes me is how many of the "lower & working class" who were traditionally Labour voters are "defecting" over to UKIP.

Not sure if the reality has sunk in yet with some people.

Labour are finished for a long long time. 

No need, send the lot back. Could you go and get a job in their country and have their government give you massive top ups on top of your wages but paid in this country?? Of course not.

Send the lot back...


What amazes me is how many of the "lower & working class" who were traditionally Labour voters are "defecting" over to UKIP.

Not sure if the reality has sunk in yet with some people.

It is not that they are "willfully" defecting to ukip, they are doing so with a heavy heart, just desperate for someone to give them a voice and listen to how the average working man feels about europe.

UKIP were the only party prepared to give the working man a voice that could, and would be heard..


if they are legally working paying tax etc then stay anything else go home. 

What about single mothers?  Send 'em home?

No need, send the lot back. Could you go and get a job in their country and have their government give you massive top ups on top of your wages but paid in this country?? Of course not.

Send the lot back...


That would prove problematic for me. 

If this gets out of hand, members will be banned for a week, you have all been warned, so do not come crying after the event.

:signthankspin:   and enjoy your Friday 

This subject is highly motive driven, and I as a moderator would welcome open discussion. This of course follows certain rules, you can give your opinion as long as it does not include ridicule on another member. If a member makes a statement and you counter that statement do it with fact and not with a direct attack on the member making that statement.

The fact that those who voted to remain were misguided and wrong,does not give you the right to openly ridicule them for being misled.

So be nice to those ill advised follow the leader voters who drastically got it wrong, one day they will share brain cells and make decisions for themselves.

The people have spoken by virtue of the "representation of the peoples" act. If you disagree with that, you are entitled to. Nevertheless, the populace have given their views on europe, with immigration being, one suspects, a deciding factor....

That is how democracy works... [Yes, democracy has been called the tyranny of the majority, but i never designed it!!!!]


Well said Manator.....


Last edited by a moderator:
Well it appears you have silenced my fun tonight. I was really looking forward to @Sharpend and @apprentice87 justifying their views on mass deportation of an entire race of people. 

Nobody silenced any fun, play nicely, if you do not then whoever is guilty will be banned, if multiple members are guilty then they will all be banned for a week.

This really is not that difficult to understand, times may be heated in the United Kingdom with your recent Brexit vote but I feel sure you can all as responsible adults debate this in an adult manner.


A Prime Minister resigned. The £ plummeted. The FTSE 100 lost significant ground. But then the £ rallied past February levels, and the FTSE closed on a weekly high: 2.4% up on last Friday, its best performance in 4 months. President Obama decided we wouldn't be at the 'back of the queue' after all and that our 'special relationship' was still strong. The French President confirmed the Le Touquet agreement would stay in place. The President of the European Commission stated Br...exit negations would be 'orderly' and stressed the UK would continue to be a 'close partner' of the EU. A big bank denied reports it would shift 2,000 staff overseas. The CBI, vehemently anti-Brexit during the referendum campaign, stated British business was resilient and would adapt. Several countries outside the EU stated they wished to begin bi-lateral trade talks with the UK immediately. If this was the predicted apocalypse, well, it was a very British one. It was all over by teatime. Not a bad first day of freedom.

The people have spoken by virtue of the "representation of the peoples" act. If you disagree with that, you are entitled to. Nevertheless, the populace have given their views on europe, with immigration being, one suspects, a deciding factor....

That is how democracy works... [Yes, democracy has been called the tyranny of the majority, but i never designed it!!!!]


And I get that. What I am struggling with is why you think the mass deportation of a race is now required?  Please explain as all EU citizens that are already within the UK can stay here under UK law. 

Nobody silenced any fun, play nicely, if you do not then whoever is guilty will be banned, if multiple members are guilty then they will all be banned for a week.

This really is not that difficult to understand, times may be heated in the United Kingdom with your recent Brexit vote but I feel sure you can all as responsible adults debate this in an adult manner.

I wonder what it is like to be banned?  Never experienced it before. 

Nobody mentioned "race" All european people are of the same "race" anyway.

All i am saying, is that we as a country cannot afford to subsidise people that do not even live here...

While i am on the subject.. Asylum seekers.... If your life was in danger....and you were accepted into another country, you would no doubt, be very grateful, and say "please and thank you" to everyone and be most pleased that you had been saved....

Would you fight running battles with the police of the country that took you in, or hurl bricks and rocks onto the adjacent motorway??? Draw your own conclusions....


Well it appears you have silenced my fun tonight. I was really looking forward to @Sharpend and @apprentice87 justifying their views on mass deportation of an entire race of people. 

Erm....ref apprentice's comments, then what he wrote was "deport the ones, Romanians and the like that should not be here". He wasn't specifically targeting Romanians (see "and the like"). You asked how they would be separated and he answered it  giving his opinion.

And Sharpend said I think on the lines of ".....if they are legally paying tax.....if not send them home"

Where have they advocated deporting an entire race of people?

And why add single mothers into the mix? I swear you like to take things off track just to stir things. Some of your comments are as though you've read a different thread at times I swear!

If you fancy a one way trip anywhere PM me your PayPal and I'll happily contribute. 

