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  • Remain

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • Leave

    Votes: 17 70.8%
  • Nothing

    Votes: 1 4.2%

  • Total voters
Nobody mentioned "race" All european people are of the same "race" anyway.

All i am saying, is that we as a country cannot afford to subsidise people that do not even live here...

While i am on the subject.. Asylum seekers.... If your life was in danger....and you were accepted into another country, you would no doubt, be very grateful, and say "please and thank you" to everyone and be most pleased that you had been saved....

Would you fight running battles with the police of the country that took you in, or hurl bricks and rocks onto the adjacent motorway??? Draw your own conclusions....


Well not really. A race is defined by people who share similar features or language. 

To be fair you did not say that. You said "send 'em all back". Regardless of their situation. Even women and children. 

To vote to not continue as we are going is one thing. To do this and then kick everyone that is not a British citizen is a concerning view point in my view and flirts with a BNP mentality. 

I also hope that controlled migration will mean that we can increase our care to asylum seekers and help them more. I cannot imagine how hard it must be to flee a war torn country and flee to a strange one. I hope I never have to do this. I also hope the people would not turn against me if I forgot or was too scared to say thank you. 

Your last comment I have no clue as to what you are on about. 

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Erm....ref apprentice's comments, then what he wrote was "deport the ones, Romanians and the like that should not be here". He wasn't specifically targeting Romanians (see "and the like"). You asked how they would be separated and he answered it  giving his opinion.

And Sharpend said I think on the lines of ".....if they are legally paying tax.....if not send them home"

Where have they advocated deporting an entire race of people?

And why add single mothers into the mix? I swear you like to take things off track just to stir things. Some of your comments are as though you've read a different thread at times I swear!

If you fancy a one way trip anywhere PM me your PayPal and I'll happily contribute. 


Some word for word quotes for you;

"deport the ones romanians and the like that should not be here"

what does this mean?  My point was how would someone seperate those Romanians that should and should not be here?  Who would decide?  

"If they are legally working paying tax etc then stay anything else go home"

single mothers tend not to pay tax. My question was should these Romanian single mothers be sent back to Romania also?  

"No need, send the lot back"

Again, what does this mean?  What defines 'the lot'?

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Regardless of what individuals would like no immigrants to this country will be deported unless convicted of a criminal offence, and only when article 50 has been invoked and the set time procedures have lapsed.

We are an island with limited resources, we can not, like the rest of Europe allow uncontrolled influx, as the strain on our densely populated country could not support such high numbers of migration.

If we go back to recent history, we as free Britain's owe a debt of gratitude to the Polish for their assistance during the second world war, they provided pilots for our air force, and specialist translators and code breakers at Bletchly. That is probably spelt wrong but I can't be bothered spell checking any more.

The UK is a tolerant nation and welcomes migration from all over the world, and now we will be allowed to do so.

Regardless of what individuals would like no immigrants to this country will be deported unless convicted of a criminal offence, and only when article 50 has been invoked and the set time procedures have lapsed.

We are an island with limited resources, we can not, like the rest of Europe allow uncontrolled influx, as the strain on our densely populated country could not support such high numbers of migration.

If we go back to recent history, we as free Britain's owe a debt of gratitude to the Polish for their assistance during the second world war, they provided pilots for our air force, and specialist translators and code breakers at Bletchly. That is probably spelt wrong but I can't be bothered spell checking any more.

The UK is a tolerant nation and welcomes migration from all over the world, and now we will be allowed to do so.

Completely agree. 

There is boys already whatsapping me, they're talking about getting jobs in the south. The exchange rate with the euro looks attractive.
Definitely, although the Euro will also be affected it won't be to the same extent as Sterling. It might make it easier to price work in the south now.

I have lost count of how many times I've said this, but as some

people seem to take no notice; not all EU-immigrants are here to take your benefits. 

I can totally accept people's different views on controlling immigration, everyone has got the right to have an opinion. (I personally think that leaving the EU could be a mistake for Britain, but the people have voted and that's how democracy works. I'll just have to accept it and try to make the best of it).

However, all I'm asking for is a little bit of thought before anyone throws out statements like "they should all go", "they all take our benefits", "they all take our jobs". We are not all scroungers, here to rob the British people. Some of us contributes a lot more than we take out of the system. 

I'm going to refrain from going into a long rant, but just please keep this in mind. Thank you. 

Don't blame the people, blame the politicians and their policies that got us into this mess.

This country is bursting at the seams and all they want to do is push it until it breaks so they can sell more bits of it to their friends.

Also worth noting that this country is full of feckless lay abouts who've been nannied by the state for far to long, is it any wonder they want to replace us with hard working foreigners?


I hear were heading for a SEXIT.


@misssweden, seriously, the ignomy that you feel coz you think we hate ALL immigrants because they ALL are here to scrounge benefits etc, we feel too that you think we think that. Credit us with a little intelligence please?

(When I say us, I do realise there are a faction of idiotic, amoebic pillocks who do think like that, be assured they are a very small but sadly very loud minority)

Anyway to answer @Essex1 original poll question, there is a reason why polling booths have enclosed back and sides mate

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While i am on the subject.. Asylum seekers.... If your life was in danger....and you were accepted into another country, you would no doubt, be very grateful, and say "please and thank you" to everyone and be most pleased that you had been saved....

Would you fight running battles with the police of the country that took you in, or hurl bricks and rocks onto the adjacent motorway??? Draw your own conclusions...

Means precisely that...

When you say;

Your last comment I have no clue as to what you are on about.

Do you not read the news papers?? Have you not read of the riotous behavior of these supposed "asylum seekers" in the camp in Calais???? Hardly the behavior of people that are grateful to be saved..

As i said before, there are NO GENUINE ASYLUM SEEKERS IN BRITAIN, NOT A SINGLE ONE. The law requires that they claim "asylum" in the first safe country they reach, Please explain how they reached the UK WITHOUT passing throught many other "safe" countries..

How can it be right that there are a huge number of homeless people in britain, and that people here can be on the list for some of the dwindling stocks of "social housing" and yet these BOGUS asylum seekers turn up and go straight to the front of the queue?? DO NOT TRY TO SAY THAT ALL THIS SORT OF THING IS MADE UP BY RACISTS Around here, the AVERAGE wait for a council property is apparently 8 years. Turn up and claim you are an asylum seeker and it is about 8 minutes..

I am not blaming the people concerned, errm, hang on, yes i am, would you go to THEIR country and throw bricks etc until you got what you wanted, [ask the french in calais] but it was the POLITICIANS that created this situation...



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I have lost count of how many times I've said this, but as some

people seem to take no notice; not all EU-immigrants are here to take your benefits. 

I can totally accept people's different views on controlling immigration, everyone has got the right to have an opinion. (I personally think that leaving the EU could be a mistake for Britain, but the people have voted and that's how democracy works. I'll just have to accept it and try to make the best of it).

However, all I'm asking for is a little bit of thought before anyone throws out statements like "they should all go", "they all take our benefits", "they all take our jobs". We are not all scroungers, here to rob the British people. Some of us contributes a lot more than we take out of the system. 

I'm going to refrain from going into a long rant, but just please keep this in mind. Thank you. 

nothing wrong with immigration if the person is genuine and wants to work / contribute to the country they want to go to. its the people who just want to abuse the system and claim for everything who shouldnt be allowed in

Anyway to answer @Essex1 original poll question, there is a reason why polling booths have enclosed back and sides mate

And the reason this poll was private. What's your point?

nothing wrong with immigration if the person is genuine and wants to work / contribute to the country they want to go to. its the people who just want to abuse the system and claim for everything who shouldnt be allowed in

What is the difference between a UK citizen sponging off the government and an UEU citizen sponging of the government. I have seen many many more UK citizens that lie around doing nothing. 

And the reason this poll was private. What's your point?

What is the difference between a UK citizen sponging off the government and an UEU citizen sponging of the government. I have seen many many more UK citizens that lie around doing nothing. 
There is a major difference.

Why do you think the majority of peoples from all over the world want to live in the UK? before you answer that think of what other countries provide, and what rules they have in place to prevent what occurs in the UK.

As above asylum has to be declared in the first country of safety, when this declaration is made you can be given a choice as to which country you would prefer but the declaration has to be made.

Just an observation but I do rather hate when people (me?) can be proud to be English and of what this country ostensibly stands (stood?) for and thought of as racist. The best bit that I've only been called that by white, liberal do gooders. My Polish, Indian, Moldovan & Bulgarian friends think it's hilarious. When I say friends I don't mean people I work with but people who's houses I go to, have a beer with, do the whole family interaction thing with and who I'd bend over backwards to help They all work bloody hard and pay their way. To a man (& woman) they say UK immigration is now uncontrolled and there aren't enough resources to go round.

This tolerance is I guess to some extent wearing thin. The powers that be appear to have failed to realise this hence the Leave result.

Yes, we've had a our issues with Colonialism but if asked I'd say The English are tolerant, welcoming and supportive/protective of the underdog along with being respectful of other cultures. To be protective of our culture, laws, religion and institutions just reflects a nationalist viewpoint, it's not racist.

Just an observation but I do rather hate when people (me?) can be proud to be English and of what this country ostensibly stands (stood?) for and thought of as racist. The best bit that I've only been called that by white, liberal do gooders. My Polish, Indian, Moldovan & Bulgarian friends think it's hilarious. When I say friends I don't mean people I work with but people who's houses I go to, have a beer with, do the whole family interaction thing with and who I'd bend over backwards to help They all work bloody hard and pay their way. To a man (& woman) they say UK immigration is now uncontrolled and there aren't enough resources to go round.

This tolerance is I guess to some extent wearing thin. The powers that be appear to have failed to realise this hence the Leave result.

Yes, we've had a our issues with Colonialism but if asked I'd say The English are tolerant, welcoming and supportive/protective of the underdog along with being respectful of other cultures. To be protective of our culture, laws, religion and institutions just reflects a nationalist viewpoint, it's not racist.
The whole racism card has been massively overplayed, a glorious snippet, tasty little soundbite taken by people with an axe to grind and twisted and wrung out until it ran dry. How many of those who accuse of racism have never asked their better halves if they fancy a Chinky tonite, have ever laughed at an Englishman, Irishman, Scotsman, Welshman joke? Probably none. Annihilation of an entire faction of humanity could probably be described as racist, but the things that people use the term for these

If I'm accused of being racist or making racist comments, it matters not a jot, as the term is now meaningless and empty

That map is wrong. Co antrim voted for a leave.

The national bbc are hanging around newry talking about the hard border and a risk to the peace process. That's a bit extreme i think.
