Illegal Pit Bulls

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Robin Spark

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2009
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Just watched the programme about the illegal pit bulls on BBC1 which ended with one being put to sleep buy the police:_|

I think the idiot scrotty owners, who cant take responsibility and look after there dogs properly are the owns that need the lethal injection.

Blxxdy poor dogs, I'm sickened!

I watched the same program, in all fairness the police officer said that the dog was a tottaly pleasent friendly sociable dog that should not have been put down, but because of the Act, they were powerless to do anything but carry out the letter of the law. If anyone has one of these class 1 dogs they can save them by having them chiped, neutered, and muzzled in public, why oh why dont people do this and save there pets. The dog was a really good pup, and was destroyed because the owners were, well you can insert your own words of description here.

what about that one that attacked the little 6year old girl and her dad had to fight with it and the owner tried to say the kids started it?!?!?!?!?!? WTF?

I dont know what the dog was, but its IMHO, not bad dogs, but bad owners that are to blame.

I agree 100%, and our resident Vet will confirm, its not the breed, or the individual dog, its the owners that are to blame. I have 5 dogs, all killers, all pets.

Yep, no such thing as a bad dog, just bad owners. Put THEM in muzzles and make them walk down the street in public, they'll get the message ; \

There's a somewhat wild German Shepherd cross near us that sometimes comes snarling and barking at my daughter.

We've had polite words with the owner who say they will keep it under control. But they don't

We have tried to get the Police involved. Local police station says phone the dog warden. After much searching we get in touch with him and he says phone local police station headbang

All we want if for the local bobby to go and have a word, thinking that just might make them keep the dog under control.

Do we really have to wait until the dog attacks someone before they will do anything? X(

Our next door neighbour has a golden retriever

fat it is ,,,,,,she cant control it,,,the last time she took it for a walk it attacked another dog,,,,300 stiches later.....

she has been told if it happens again it will be put down

best thing for it i reckon,,,,,,,

All dogs are more then capable of biting. All breeds of dogs decend for the wolf family. I hate all dangerous types of breeds don't trust them one little bit even more so round my kids if you do have one of those dogs muzzle them whilst your out with them any owner caught not doing this should get a huge fine or banged up inside.

I own a 3 yr old pedigree sbt, and my family have alw?ay owned them since as long as i have been around and before. We always keep her on a lead when out walking due to the fact that she is can be funny towards other dogs and if challanged she can be aggresive to the dog , but saying that she rarely is and its usually the other dog that starts the trouble, but if she has a go back she is , as ive been told by people who own small yappy dogs who are far more aggresive than most but are easier controled , "its one of those nasty dogs who should be put down". The staffy is known as the "nanny dog" and i can testify this is true, mine has been brought up with kids and a more freindlier dog towards people youd be hard to find , face licking champ. Ive trained my dog, i can take food off her when shes eating or bones and toys , she doesnt touch her food till i say she can have it. I didnt see the program last night but have seen simliar before. Pitbulls are a american kc reg breed and are very simlair to staffys in temperant but because of idiots who like to walk round with a pitbull , making these dogs aggresive to look hard gives all bull terrier breeds a bad name and there are lots of non kc reg staffys that are put down each year because they fall into the "pitbull" catagory, due to irisponsible breeding just to make money. Any dog attack is one to many and can happen for lots of reasons and if mine ever aggresivly bit a person for no reason she'd have to go .As it has been said its not the dog its the owner which is true and the dangerous dogs act made owning this type of dog the hard thing to do which escalated the breeding of pitbulls and non kc reg staffys !!. 20 yrs ago you very rarely seen a staffy or bull terrier and if you did 95% were pedigree kc reg. Now every time you go round the corner there is something that looks likes one. What does that tell you ?? .Sorry to go on but i get very passionate about this subject.

Japanese Akitas were named a dangerous breed but they seem to have been overlooked. They are often seen going for walkies without a muzzle and nobody seems to mind.

It's nothing too do with the dogs it's how they are brought up! I agree owners should be punished not the dogs
