ADS,Taking your comment further, and relating it to my scenario, the thing is the circuit is only a code 4 at the moment if you were to PIR it.
Upstairs sockets, PME supply, mcb & cable co-ordinated, don't know the cable run feeding the socket outlets, so code 4 on a PIR.
Almost certainly complied on install, as long as it was correctly installed.
Would you want to pay for a PIR on the whole property considering it is not yours just to add 3 accessories, all protected by a 13A RCD fused connection unit?
Would you want to pay for the whole circuit to be upgraded in a property that is not yours and may well only be installed for a few months when there is no added value to the "bit" that you are paying for?
Would you want to pay for works being undertaken in your home that you were not paying for nor arranging?