Screwfix Website & Weird Problem?

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©Resident Geordie™
Supporting Member
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
S. Tyneside
got a problem (well, not really a problem, but its a bit odd) with the screwfix wesite - at the top, it says 'welcome jonathon' (and im not jonathon)

when i go to a product it comes up with my local SF in swansea

also, there is random items in the trolley (not something i have clicked to put in there)

i dont have a username/password for the SF site, but if i click anything to do with logging in, then it automatically comes up with an email address and password box, with a link for 'this is not my email address'

the email address is not mine, or one that i recognise, and a quick google of this email shows he is a sparky from Derbyshire area.

any idea what is going on?

got a problem (well, not really a problem, but its a bit odd) with the screwfix wesite - at the top, it says 'welcome jonathon' (and im not jonathon)

when i go to a product it comes up with my local SF in swansea

also, there is random items in the trolley (not something i have clicked to put in there)

i dont have a username/password for the SF site, but if i click anything to do with logging in, then it automatically comes up with an email address and password box, with a link for 'this is not my email address'

the email address is not mine, or one that i recognise, and a quick google of this email shows he is a sparky from Derbyshire area.

any idea what is going on?
its done that to me with random items in the trolley and showing North Shields as my local branch...

FFS, how can i see whats in your trolley from hundreds of miles away?! maybe i should start adding / removing stuff from it...

SF has some serious security problem on their hands....

well im going to contact SF in the morning, glad i dont save payment details in my account.

well im going to contact SF in the morning, glad i dont save payment details in my account.
so you should, ill contact them aswell. wonder who else this may be happening to?

fortunately, i cant actuall access any of your info other than trolley, name & email address. but still, it shouldnt be happening, and you shouldnt be able to see my info either

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That's weird.

What's the chances of both parties of this "crossed wire" both being TEF forum members.

you can have some fun placing orderd for each other until this is solved :innocent .

already checked IP address with him - were both on same provider, but IP is completely different

i cant actually place an order for him though - i can ge to his trolley, but i dont have his password to log in to order anything

and he cant order anything from me, because its all one way - its his trolley that i can access & alter

maybe they are getting short on money so people have to share a trolley now...wonder who has to share with Steps...everyday 20 earth rods to remove from the trolley...
