becoming a self employed sparky?

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You seem to mis understand.This trade will not give you a decent wage as it is so watered down.

Its the same with plumbing.

But hey, go ahead and spend all your savings on a course, that will give you NO certainty of any work.

Not very responsible, especially if you have a family.

Im all for new people coming into the trade, and i encourage it.

Whats gets my back up is people training and career changing, and then moaning that "there isnt any work" or "no one will take me on as i have no experience".

In other words, dont lecture me about it.

I have heard it all before.
Factually incorrect in many aspects. So maybe you haven't learned it all although you consider to have heard it all. Once again it appears you are the one doing the moaning and lecturing. By your guidance no individual, business or country would every make any improvements when times are hard. Economic history clearly proves this assumption to be wrong. If you never try, you never get anywhere and others then take the opportunities that you missed.

Doc H.

Tell me Doc, are you an electrician?

Do you really appreciate the state we are all in at the moment?

As i pointed out, i encourage anyone to improve their prospects by changing career, however, as i also said, its painfully obvious that this trade is suffering from the influx of newbies.

All i am saying is that yes, go for it, but dont start whining that there is no work out there.

And for the record, I love my work and i am glad i chose this career.


If i was in a position to change careers, this one would be the last on the list.In wouldnt even be on it.

Too many wannnabe sparks out there now to make it a good earning trade.
( You really love it do you[)

( You really love it do you[)
Sorry i must have not made it very clear.

Yes i do really enjoy my work and i have plenty to not worry about it, but i would never consider this trade or any trade for that matter now.

Sorry i must have not made it very clear.Yes i do really enjoy my work and i have plenty to not worry about it, but i would never consider this trade or any trade for that matter now.
Clearly you don't make things very clear, if you 'have plenty of work not to worry about it', your earlier statements; "This trade will not give you a decent wage as it is so watered down." or "Too many wannnabe sparks out there now to make it a good earning trade." sound rather contradictory. (assuming you are not suggesting you are the only electrician making any money?). Re' Your question "Tell me Doc, are you an electrician? Do you really appreciate the state we are all in at the moment?". Whether I am an electrician, wholesaler, sub-contractor, council building inspector, college lecturer is neither here nor there. The state of the economy applies to all business in all sectors. If we consider a few of the facts;

  • There is work out there.
  • There are thousands of registered electricians who are making a reasonable living.
  • Economies always ebb & flow, good times come and go.
  • Times are currently harder than recent years.
  • For many years now we as a nation have been using more and more electrical, communication, entertainment, items etc. requiring wiring installing & maintaining.
  • Our population is increasing and it is getting older.
  • Some business who fail to adapt to their market will fail, others will continue and succeed.
  • Those who never try, never get anywhere.
  • Not forgetting other new prospects such as micro-generation!

I can see no reason why we cannot offer suitable advice to the questions asked without continual negative or bitter attitudes that others have noticed in your posts. Can I just say thank you to those who have contributed some good practical advice on this thread to the OP's question.

Doc H.

I think you misunderstand.

I am far from bitter about it.

I AM earning a very good living from it, but I have been doing this more years than i can remember and have clients all over the country.

I was saying that it would be a waste of time NOW to train to be an electrician as there is VERY LITTLE work out there.

You only need to look in yours and other jobs forums to see that. Lots of newbies wanting a start but cant get one, as no one is taking anyone on at the moment.

But again, as i have said, if anyone wants to give it a go and is not financially tied, then go for it.

Just dont complain IF you are trained and then struggling to find work. :Salute

Sorry i must have not made it very clear.Yes i do really enjoy my work and i have plenty to not worry about it, but i would never consider this trade or any trade for that matter now.
Old women.

I think you misunderstand.I am far from bitter about it.

I AM earning a very good living from it, but I have been doing this more years than i can remember and have clients all over the country.

I was saying that it would be a waste of time NOW to train to be an electrician as there is VERY LITTLE work out there.

You only need to look in yours and other jobs forums to see that. Lots of newbies wanting a start but cant get one, as no one is taking anyone on at the moment.

But again, as i have said, if anyone wants to give it a go and is not financially tied, then go for it.

Just dont complain IF you are trained and then struggling to find work.:Salute
Your an old women bickering on.

How can you state "Just dont complain if you are trained and then struggle to find work".

Do you not realise we wanna be newbies have worked hard to try and give it ago.

People are not complaining, they are frustrated and keen to get a start somewhere and get stuck in with the they come on here asking for advice..........and most get good advice..............but all we get off you is a self righteous attitude telling us not to bother and then just to kick us in the nuts you brag that your busy with clients up and down the country.

It seems the only person complaining is you.

:red card

I am calm.

'Tarzan' is throwing the insults around.

I am just giving a point of view on the current situation.

Oh, and its "your an old woman".

And im 35.

Calm and morose.

A very negative point of view " I would not pick this trade"

I find your negative attitude hard to swallow.

And I am 31, nice to meet you..........

Got to agree with init... sorry.

At the moment it's very difficult in this trade especially if you mainly do domestic work as there are a lot of people willing to work under the radar... "No income tax, no VAT, no money back.... guarantee".. mostly on the dole, untrained and doing work that does not comply with the regs.

For instance.. I was called to quote a job - replace CU, add PEB to water and rewire a circuit. I quoted

Got to agree with init... sorry.At the moment it's very difficult in this trade especially if you mainly do domestic work as there are a lot of people willing to work under the radar... "No income tax, no VAT, no money back.... guarantee".. mostly on the dole, untrained and doing work that does not comply with the regs.

For instance.. I was called to quote a job - replace CU, add PEB to water and rewire a circuit. I quoted
Oh dear, :C :C

i'm not under any grand dillusions of thousands of jobs and loadsa money, i know there's few and far jobs in any trade especially engineering with so many big firms laying of and a fight for job in smaller firms my logic was that if i was to to get laid off i would be a step in the right direction of a career i would like to be in and have a lot of interest.can't be living with being a spanner monkey

all i need is one little break for someone say "actually the lads got potentital" but i'm struggling to get even that, i'm not complaing about it, i'll get there one day i'm just trying to find/figure out the best way,

cheers ben


this threads grown a bit... :eek:

well I still stand by what I said in post #5

Have a good read do a bit of research first..Its NOT impossible, It may be your best option...

But its Bl00d7 hard work!!!!!!!

It can be worth it... Or it can be a noose round your neck!

Whatever is best.. don't choose without doing some research!
IMHO tis still a reasonable summary! :)

Mate stick with the job you have right now, at least its cash coming in, then work on the theory of coming into this on the upturn in the recession.AndyGuinness
probarbly the best advice so far this in the present climate and do the l3 if you possibly can because after this year its gonna be sooo much harder consider it an investment for the future.
