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Hi guys, my name is Ian but one of you lot has snapped that name up already so ICB it is :) I've been a spark for some years now and am nearly 31. I've worked all over Britain, most recently on the refurbishment of the Savoy Hotel in London. I've also worked as far afield as Ireland, (ok that's not too far away), Australia and New Zealand. I'm a 'long time reader and first time writer' if that makes sense. I've signed up and am writing in as I'm having a few work related issues you guys may or may not be able to help me out with. As soon as I've found my way around this site we'll get into it. I look forward to hearing, (well, reading), you're thoughts!

Welcome to the forum Ian.

Savoy eh? I watched that on TV the other day - they went way over schedule and budget, didn't they?! :)

Hej my name is Mikael and work as electrician in Denmark

Welcome to the forum Mikael, It's good to have you on-board, Mate. :)


I'm Tim

Just come across this site - I'll let you know what I think (have no fear about that)! :Salute


Im Daryl, just recently passed my FICA a couple months ago and then got paid off (good times! :( )

Stumbled accross the site when googling for work and thought id join.


Hello Gents,

Welcome to the forum. :)

Hi all,

I'm an apprentice electrician working for local authority. I did my college work over a couple of years while working shifts in a factory. I've passed my C&G 2330 level 2&3, 17th edition and 2391 - apparently unusual for an apprentice.

I got lucky with an adult apprenticeship just over a year ago. We do mostly schools and offices. I was started as a third year apprentice and have been told I'll de doing my AM2 sometime this year (I'll believe it when it happens). :|

I've been spectating for about a year and thought it was past time to say hello, so, hello all.

hi im also a self employed electrician lookin for some info and thats how i got here

Hi there to all of you out there in the electrical world and a happy new year to you all.

I have just signed up to this forum and I am currently going down the domestic installer route to get qualified to 17th edition and hopefully get to grips with testing as I only have limited experience in this field.

I do hold already have some C&G's in electrical installation and have AM1 but this was done almost 9 years ago. I am looking to refresh my existing skills and get qualified in new areas. Testing is something I am hoping to be able to do one day and all help or positive comments would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks to you all.

Hi, Totally new to this, Im just about to leave the Army after 24 years and completed a Domestic instaler course in October. Hope to gain some much needed advice and guidance. Lookforward to speaking to you all:)

Welcome to the forum, Guys.

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